Congress Quotes

Text Quotes
The argument has been made in Congress that it is slippery slope if you allow therapeutic, what people people are calling therapeutic cloning, then you will get reproductive cloning (Congress Quotes)
What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary (Congress Quotes)
If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months (Congress Quotes)
The atmosphere is different in Congress after September 11. Terrorism is no longer an abstract issue, but a real, tangible threat (Congress Quotes)
The President and the Democrats on Congress have exploited the financial crisis to advance their socialist big government tax, spend and borrow agenda (Congress Quotes)
It has been a privilege beyond belief for me to have represented the State of Louisiana in Congress and to have been given the blessed assignment of U. S. Ambassador to the Holy See (Congress Quotes)
Look, Congress has allocated more money to finance the upcoming Iraqi elections than it has for the American elections. There’s something wrong with that (Congress Quotes)
I put myself and all the members of Congress in the same boat of things that could have been done better (Congress Quotes)
If we are wondering why only 19 percent of the American people feel that the Congress is in tune with their priorities, the cuts in Amtrak is one blatant reason why (Congress Quotes)
Nearly one in ten Americans are still out of work. And still, the President and Congress are focused on ramming through their health - care bill, whatever it takes, whatever the cost (Congress Quotes)
This drug coverage program was clearly designed by Republicans in Congress to serve the interests of the drug and insurance industries. America’s seniors were an afterthought (Congress Quotes)
Once it becomes impossible for members of Congress to make a career of legislative service, the temptation to bend a vote for whatever reason may yield to the better angels of their nature (Congress Quotes)
We’re novices. We have friends now who are part of the freshman class who in some cases have run for Congress two and three times before they won their seat (Congress Quotes)
Like you, I’m fed up with business as usual in Washington. Send me to Congress, and I won’t tweak our broken system. I’ll shut it down (Congress Quotes)
Is it any wonder, why the approval ratings of the Congress go up every time we go into recess (Congress Quotes)
I mean, look, Nancy Pelosi said in the very beginning this is going to be the most open, honest and ethical Congress in history. And what we’re seeing is she’s breaking that promise every day (Congress Quotes)
Each year thousands of embryos, no bigger than the head of a pin, are created in the process of in vitro fertilization, with the support of Congress, by the way (Congress Quotes)
In 2003, Congress authorized the construction of a visitor center for the Vietnam Memorial to help provide information and educate the public about the memorial and the Vietnam War (Congress Quotes)
It is irresponsible for this Congress to not investigate the President’s lack of an exit strategy, and the fraud, waste, and abuse of U. S. tax dollars (Congress Quotes)
It is time this Congress listened to the American people and minimum-wage workers, and it is time that we act (Congress Quotes)
Clean air is a basic right. The responsibility to ensure that falls to Congress and the president (Congress Quotes)
I had taken on the color of the climate around me and had driven back all the emotion that rose from the Brooklyn streets so that I could belong to the exclusive club of Congress (Congress Quotes)
Anytime a large, emergency spending bill makes its way through Congress, the potential for mischief is great (Congress Quotes)
Congress has changed the Social Security system over time, and over 20 times in the past Congress has raised taxes on Social Security in payroll taxes into the system (Congress Quotes)
Madam Speaker, before being elected to Congress, I ran a manufacturing business that did a significant percentage of our sales outside the United States (Congress Quotes)
It is statesmanlike for the administration and Congress to look to our nation’s welfare beyond their terms in office (Congress Quotes)
Congress is functioning the way the Founding Fathers intended-not very well. They understood that if you move too quickly, our democracy will be less responsible to the majority (Congress Quotes)
I don’t think it’s the function of Congress to function well. It should drag its heels on the way to decision (Congress Quotes)
My friends in the Congress, I have known Coretta King since I went south during the civil rights movement as a lawyer. She was a vibrant, consistent, totally dedicated partner with her husband (Congress Quotes)
I supported Bob Schaffer’s three races for Congress. But we all had concerns about whether he could win statewide. Then my wife suggested that I get it (Congress Quotes)