Conor Oberst Quotes

Text Quotes
Everything that happens is supposed to be and it's all pre-determined, can't change your destiny guess I'll just keep moving, someday maybe I'll get to where I'm going (Conor Oberst Quotes)
So hurry up and run to the one that you love. And blind him with your kindness. And he'll make war, oh war, on who you were before. And he'll claim all that has spoiled in your heart (Conor Oberst Quotes)
Because the truth is that gossip is as good as gospel in this town. You can save face but you won't ever save your soul. and that's a fact (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I'd rather be working for a paycheck, than waiting to win the lottery. Besides, maybe this time it's different, I mean, I really think you like me (Conor Oberst Quotes)
If you walk away I'll walk away first tell me which road you will take I don't want to risk our paths crossing someday so you walk that way I'll walk this way (Conor Oberst Quotes)
And there's kids playing guns in the streets and one's pointing his tree branch at me so I put my hands up I say enough is enough, if you walk away I walk away. And he shot me dead (Conor Oberst Quotes)
You'll be free child once you have died from the shackles of language and measurable time (Conor Oberst Quotes)
And I never thought this life was possible, You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for (Conor Oberst Quotes)
In polaroids you were dressed in women's clothes Were you made ashamed, why'd you lock them in a drawer? Well, I don't think that I ever loved you more (Conor Oberst Quotes)
The sun came up with no conclusions flowers sleepin' in their beds the city cemetary's hummin' I'm wide awake, it's mornin (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I keep drinking the ink from my pen and I'm balancing history books up on my head but it all boils down to one quotable phrase if you love something give it away (Conor Oberst Quotes)
A good woman will pick you apart a box full of suggestions for your possible heart and you may be offended. and you may be afraid but don't walk away, don't walk away (Conor Oberst Quotes)
We made love on the living room floor with the noise in the background of a televised war and in that defeaning pleasure I thought I heard someone say if we walk away they'll walk away (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I guess the best that I can do now is to pretend that I've done nothing wrong and to dream about a train that's gonna take me back where I belong (Conor Oberst Quotes)
So I go back and forth forever all my thoughts they come in pairs oh I will, I won't, I doubt, I don't, I'm not surprised but I never feel quite prepared (Conor Oberst Quotes)
Now I'm hunched over a typewriter I guess you call that paintin' in a cave and there's a word I can't remember and a feeling I cannot escape (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I dreamt this ship was sinkin' there was people screaming all around and I awoke to my alarm clock it was a pop song it was playin' loud (Conor Oberst Quotes)
So I will find my fears and face them or I will cower like a dog I will kick and scream or kneel and plead I'll fight like hell to hide that I've given up (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I want to be the surgeon who cuts you open who fixes all of life's mistakes I want to be the house that you were raised in the only place where you feel safe (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I wanna be a shower in the morning that wakes you up and makes you clean I know I'm just the weather against your window as you sleep through a winter's dream (Conor Oberst Quotes)
Sometimes I worry that I've lost the plot my twitching muscles tease my flippant thoughts I never really dreamed of heaven much until we put him in the ground (Conor Oberst Quotes)
You took off your clothes and left on the light, you stood there so brave, you used to be shy, each feature improved, each movement refined, and eyes like a showroom (Conor Oberst Quotes)
So believe you're who you are and stay in character but at the end of the play the audience walks away and ill be shivering cold on a well lit stage (Conor Oberst Quotes)
The drunk kids, the catholics they're all about the same they're waiting for something Hoping to be saved (Conor Oberst Quotes)
And I'm sorry about the phone call and needing you some decisions you don't make I guess it's just like breathing or not wanting to there are some things you can't fake (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I'm sorry about the phone call; and waking you. I know that it is late, but thank you for talking, because I needed to. Some things just can't wait (Conor Oberst Quotes)
The Bible's blind. the Torah's deaf. the Qu'ran is mute. If you burned them all together you'd get close to the truth (Conor Oberst Quotes)
And in the morning when the sun rise. Look in the water, see the blue sky. As if heaven has been laid there at our feet (Conor Oberst Quotes)
Rock and roll seems to have had a mellowing in the business where it got harder to sell individual records and make money doing that (Conor Oberst Quotes)
I think our music is more about seeing ourselves in each other and trying to find a more humanistic viewpoint for the world (Conor Oberst Quotes)