Conquer Quotes

Text Quotes
We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve (Conquer Quotes)
Be careful in dealing with a man who cares nothing for comfort or promotion, but is simply determined to do what he believes to be right. He is a dangerous uncomfortable enemy, because his body, which you can always conquer, gives you little purchase upon his soul (Conquer Quotes)
You can’t be afraid to make errors! You can’t be afraid to be naked before the crowd, because no one can ever master the game of baseball, or conquer it. You can only challenge it (Conquer Quotes)
The good thing about getting older is that, as you become less attractive, so you have less desire to go out and conquer everyone you see (Conquer Quotes)
In order to conquer, what we need is to dare, still to dare, and always to dare (Conquer Quotes)
We have heeded no wisdom offering guidance. Only by learning to love one another can our world be saved. Only love can conquer all (Conquer Quotes)
We have a sense that we should be like the mythical cowboy... able to take on and conquer anything and live in the world without the need for other people (Conquer Quotes)
So then learn to conquer your fear. This is the only art we have to master nowadays: to look at things without fear, and to fearlessly do right (Conquer Quotes)
A man with a dream of pleasure can go forth and conquer a crowd and three. With a new song’s measure can trample a kingdom down (Conquer Quotes)
Conquer the thousands of man may not be called a winner, but be able to conquer yourself is called a brilliant conqueror! (Conquer Quotes)
These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn’t even know existed (Conquer Quotes)
Now that I’m gettin old enough to get some money, I’d like to have some money. I don’t get much made, I need to conquer a big chunk of money. Not quit playin but quit playin so hard (Conquer Quotes)
I want to conquer the world and it seems like my own family is putting a stop to that (Conquer Quotes)
Conquer thyself, till thou has done this, thou art but a slave; for it is almost as well to be subjected to another’s appetite as to thine own (Conquer Quotes)
If you wish a general to be beaten, send him a ream full of instructions; if you wish him to succeed, give him a destination, and bid him conquer (Conquer Quotes)
The impossibility of a retreat makes no difference in the situation of men resolved to conquer or die; and, believe me, my friends, if your conquest could be bought with the blood of your general, he would most cheerfully resign a life which he has long devoted to his country (Conquer Quotes)
Be of one mind and one faith, that you may conquer your enemies and lead long and happy lives (Conquer Quotes)
A player who conjugates a verb in the first person singular cannot be part of the squad, he has to conjugate the verb in the first person plural. We. We want to conquer. We are going to conquer. Using the word I when you’re in a group makes things complicated (Conquer Quotes)
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries (Conquer Quotes)
To be brave in misfortune is to be worthy of manhood; to be wise in misfortune is to conquer fate (Conquer Quotes)
The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore... unlike the mediocre, intrepid spirits seek victory over those things that seem impossible... it is with an iron will that they embark on the most daring of all endeavors... to meet the shadowy future without fear and conquer the unknown (Conquer Quotes)
It is not rejection itself that people fear, it is the possible consequences of rejection. Preparing to accept those consequences and viewing rejection as a learning experience that will bring you closer to success, will not only help you to conquer the fear of rejection, but help you to appreciate rejection itself (Conquer Quotes)
There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard. The fearful are the failing (Conquer Quotes)
Had it been published by a voice from heaven, that twelve poor men, taken out of boats and creeks, without any help of learning, should conquer the world to the cross, it might have been thought an illusion against all reason of men; yet we know it was undertaken and accomplished by them (Conquer Quotes)
I’ve got so many mountains to climb and goals to conquer. I’ve got so many scars I want to leave on the planet. I just feel like I’m not there yet. I feel like I am just getting started (Conquer Quotes)
Man’s destiny was to conquer and rule the world, and this is what he’s done.. almost. He hasn’t quite made it, and it looks as though this may be his undoing. The problem is that man’s conquest of the world has itself devastated the world. And in spite of all the mastery we’ve attained, we don’t have enough mastery to stop devastating the world.. or to repair the devastation we’ve already wrought (Conquer Quotes)
The fairy tale emanates from specific struggles to humanize bestial and barbaric forces, which have terrorized our minds and communities in concrete ways, threatening to destroy free will and human compassion. The fairy tale sets out to conquer this concrete terror through metaphors (Conquer Quotes)
If you’re afraid of something, face it. Fear is irrational. The only way to conquer your fear is to stand next to it (Conquer Quotes)
A people are as healthy and confident as the stories they tell themselves. Sick storytellers can make nations sick. Without stories we would go mad. Life would lose it’s moorings or orientation... Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart larger (Conquer Quotes)
There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer: no disease that love will not heal: no door that enough love will not open... It makes no difference how deep set the trouble: how hopeless the outlook: how muddled the tangle: how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world (Conquer Quotes)