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Conscience Quotes

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Showed that a politician need not shelve his conscience to achieve success  (Conscience Quotes) Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned  (Conscience Quotes) The sweetest cordial we receive at last, is conscience of our virtuous actions past  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is harder than our enemies, knows more, accuses with more nicety  (Conscience Quotes) The chief requisites for a courtier are a flexible conscience and an inflexible politeness  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is the inner voice that warns us that someone might be looking  (Conscience Quotes) The president said, ‘You’ve got to vote your conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is the aboriginal Vicar of Christ  (Conscience Quotes) A conscience without God is like a court without a judge  (Conscience Quotes) Nature’s hasty conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Punishment renders autonomy of conscience impossible  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience reigns but it does not govern  (Conscience Quotes) Go by your own conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience, man’s moral medicine chest  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet  (Conscience Quotes) My favorite activity is conscience dreaming  (Conscience Quotes) The person who loses their conscience has nothing left worth keeping  (Conscience Quotes) A good conscience is paradise  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience without judgment is superstition  (Conscience Quotes) One of my weaknesses is that I actually have a conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Few things are as bad as a guilty conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Prudence approaches, conscience accuses  (Conscience Quotes) The aim is freedom conscience and truth  (Conscience Quotes) Live with honor and follow your conscience  (Conscience Quotes) I have no bad conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Taste is the literary conscience of the soul  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience keeps more people awake than coffee  (Conscience Quotes) It is neither safe nor prudent to do anything against conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Hunger is a powerful reorganizer of the conscience  (Conscience Quotes)
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