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Conscience Quotes

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The President is not only the leader of a party, he is the President of the whole people. He must interpret the conscience of America. He must guide his conduct by the idealism of our people  (Conscience Quotes) Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Make no mistake. You are your most important critic and your conscience your most important judge of character  (Conscience Quotes) If we make choices using Earth as the central standard, welfare as a common goal, and conscience as the absolute scale, even apparently complex changes may happen more quickly than we imagine  (Conscience Quotes) With the muscle of integrity, we can turn intention into powerful action. That's how we can earn trust form our conscience, and can truly believe in ourselves  (Conscience Quotes) Absolute truthfulness, and conscience as its manifestation, are within everybody. Acknowledging it is wisdom, and living it is virtue  (Conscience Quotes) At the very moment when we refuse to follow our conscience and refuse to be truthful, we become all the more aware of the presence of conscience and the absolute truthfulness inside  (Conscience Quotes) If you say one thing, and do something different, how can your conscience trust you? Self trust comes from integrity  (Conscience Quotes) If people begin to use the full power of conscience in all the choices they make in their everyday life, from presidential elections to purchasing things in the grocery store, the world will change  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is the absolute truthfulness perceived, which comes from Nothing, our true nature, and as such reflects things exactly the way they are  (Conscience Quotes) The strongest feelings assigned to the conscience are not moral feelings at all; they express merely physical antipathies  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience is the manifestation of our divine nature, the absolute truthfulness that we all have inside, that resides beyond the instinctive desire to survive  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience, the divine nature within us, sees everything as connected, what's good for all is always its priority  (Conscience Quotes) Society itself is an accident to the spirit, and if society in any of its forms is to be justified morally it must be justified at the bar of the individual conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Men never do evil so thoroughly and cheerfully as when they do it for conscience sake  (Conscience Quotes) I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions, even though I long ago came to the conclusion that I was not a political person and could have no comfortable place in any political group  (Conscience Quotes) The conscience is the most flexible material in the world. Today you cannot stretch it over a mole hill; while tomorrow it can hide a mountain  (Conscience Quotes) A man's own conscience is his sole tribunal, and he should care no more for that phantom opinion than he should fear meeting a ghost if he crossed the churchyard at dark  (Conscience Quotes) The size of the Federal budget is not an appropriate barometer of social conscience or charitable concern  (Conscience Quotes) Your man with a thin skin, a vehement ambition, a scrupulous conscience, and a sanguine desire for rapid improvement is never a happy, and seldom a fortunate politician  (Conscience Quotes) The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age old struggle: The roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other  (Conscience Quotes) Duty is duty, conscience is conscience, right is right, and wrong is wrong, whatever sized type they may be printed in. Large or small are not words for the vocabulary of conscience  (Conscience Quotes) Conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought  (Conscience Quotes) I know myself know; and I feel within me a peace above all Earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience  (Conscience Quotes) The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life  (Conscience Quotes) War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves  (Conscience Quotes) My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, and every tongue brings in a several tale, and every tale condemns me for a villain  (Conscience Quotes) What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted! Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just, and he but naked, though locked up in steel, whose conscience with injustice is corrupted  (Conscience Quotes) Science is properly more scrupulous than dogma. Dogma gives a charter to mistake, but the very breath of science is a contest with mistake, and must keep the conscience alive  (Conscience Quotes) Forgetfulness - a gift of God bestowed upon debtors in compensation for their destitution of conscience  (Conscience Quotes)
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