Conscience Quotes

Text Quotes
Perhaps, if we don’t always have a conscious conscience, we have a subliminal one, from which the memory of past wrongs is not so easily erased (Conscience Quotes)
Of the whole public not a handful can understand the artist’s point of view or the writer’s conscience (Conscience Quotes)
Man’s characteristic privilege is that the bond he accepts is not physical but moral; that is, social. He is governed not by a material environment brutally imposed on him, but by a conscience superior to his own, the superiority of which he feels. Because the greater, better part of his existence transcends the body, he escapes the body’s yoke, but is subject to that of society (Conscience Quotes)
When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos (Conscience Quotes)
The missionary is no longer a man, a conscience. He is a corpse, in the hands of a confraternity, without family, without love, without any of the sentiments that are dear to us. Emasculated, in a sense, by his vow of chastity, he offers us the distressing spectacle of a man deformed and impotent or engaged in a stupid and useless struggle with the sacred needs of the flesh, a struggle which, seven times out of ten, leads him to sodomy, the gallows, or prison (Conscience Quotes)
We cannot assume the injustice of any actions which only create offense, and especially as regards religion and morals. He who utters or does anything to wound the conscience and moral sense of others, may indeed act immorally; but, so long as he is not guilty of being importunate, he violates no right (Conscience Quotes)
A politician would do well to remember that he has to live with his conscience longer than he does with his constituents (Conscience Quotes)
The art of creation lies in the gift of perceiving the particular and generalizing it, thus creating the particular again. It is therefore a powerful transforming force and a generator of creative solutions in relation to a given problem. It is the currency of human exchanges, which enables the sharing of states of the soul and conscience, and the discovery of new fields of experience (Conscience Quotes)
We don’t know much about the human conscience, except that it is soluble in alcohol (Conscience Quotes)
Conscience in the soul is the root of all true courage. If a man would be brave, let him learn to obey his conscience (Conscience Quotes)
Our secret thoughts are rarely heard except in secret. No man knows what conscience is until he understands what solitude can teach him concerning it (Conscience Quotes)
There is just as much evil in all of us as there is good. We’re all continuously guilty, even if we’re not doing it intentionally to be evil. Here we are sitting in luxury hotels, living it up on the the backs of others in the third world. We all have a guilty conscience, but we do very little about it (Conscience Quotes)
A heartsong doesn’t have to be a song in your heart. It doesn’t have to be talking about love and peace. It can just be your message. It can be your feeling. Some people might even call it a conscience, even though that’s not really what it is. It’s your message, what you feel like you need to do (Conscience Quotes)
There were never any doctors in my family. But my grandparents and my mother had a strong social conscience that was formative (Conscience Quotes)
It’s fear that makes us lose our conscience. It’s also what transforms us into cowards (Conscience Quotes)
... You can only subject people to anguish who have a conscience. You can only punish people who have hopes to frustrate or attachments to sever; who worry what you think of them. You can really only punish people who are already a little bit good (Conscience Quotes)
I was most happy when pen and paper were taken from me and I was forbidden from doing anything. I had no anxiety about doing nothing by my own fault, my conscience was clear, and I was happy. This was when I was in prison (Conscience Quotes)
It is difficult to see ourselves as we are. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have good friends, lovers or others who will do us the good service of telling us the truth about ourselves. When we don’t, we can so easily delude ourselves, lose a sense of truth about ourselves, and our conscience loses power and purpose. Mostly, we tell ourselves what we would like to hear. We lose our way (Conscience Quotes)
The hardest thing usually to leave behind, as was the case now, can loosely be called the conscience (Conscience Quotes)
We, as human beings, should wish to be loved and embraced for our character, respected and relied on for our courage, and trusted for our conscience (Conscience Quotes)
Death, of course, is a refuge. It’s where you go when a new name, or a mask and cape, can no longer hide you from yourself. It’s where you run to when none of the principalities of your conscience will grant you asylum (Conscience Quotes)
I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight, I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice (Conscience Quotes)
Such a caring for death, an awakening that keeps vigil over death, a conscience that looks death in the face, is another name for freedom (Conscience Quotes)
Tomorrow at 7, I shall be shot; but I am innocent of the crime of rebellion. I am going to die with a tranquil conscience (Conscience Quotes)
This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this ain’t normal (Conscience Quotes)
Killing a man should be harder than waving a length of pipe in their direction. It should take long enough for one’s conscience to get in the way (Conscience Quotes)
There comes a time when a man finds himself in front of a dark uncrossable abyss, which he himself has spent years digging. He cannot go forward, and has no way back. Words have failed, tears won’t help, and who would he call out to? He can’t even remember his own name. Then the man sees that on this god’s green earth there is but one true suffering: the torment of guilty conscience (Conscience Quotes)
Perhaps conscience did not always produce cowards. Sometimes it made a man feel better about himself (Conscience Quotes)
I keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I’ll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god’s bleak history (Conscience Quotes)
Guard yourself and your conscience no one else will and know that a bad decision at the right time can destroy you far more surely than any bullet! (Conscience Quotes)