Consequences Quotes
Text Quotes
Logic leaves us no choice. In that sense, math always involves both invention and discovery: we invent the concepts but discover their consequences. … in mathematics our freedom lies in the questions we ask – and in how we pursue them – but not in the answers awaiting us (Consequences Quotes)
People thought becoming an adult meant that all your acts had consequences; in fact it was just the opposite (Consequences Quotes)
Young players expose themselves to grave risks when they blindly imitate the innovations of masters without themselves first checking all the details and consequences of these innovations (Consequences Quotes)
The explosion of a terrorist’s single nuclear device in a major metropolitan center would trigger an unparalleled humanitarian and environmental disaster. An accidental military launch of multiple warheads could result in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Medical researchers and military analysts forebode grim consequences (Consequences Quotes)
The creative consequences of man’s imaginative strivings may never make him whole; but they constitute his deepest consolations and his greatest glories (Consequences Quotes)
Maybe a first love exists to reaffirm the best parts of yourself, the choices you made when you didn’t worry about the consequences. Maybe a first love exists to remind you to be brave in the moment, to stand up for your feelings, instead of shrinking back in the face of potential loneliness (Consequences Quotes)
This is one of the consequences of the civil war. People stop trusting each other, and every stranger becomes an enemy (Consequences Quotes)
You don’t necessarily have to do anything once you acknowledge your privilege. You don’t have to apologize for it. You need to understand the extent of your privilege, the consequences of your privilege, and remain aware that people who are different from you move through and experience the world in ways you might never know anything about (Consequences Quotes)
True spirituality is to be aware that if we are interdependent with everything and everyone else, even our smallest, least significant thought, word and action have real consequences throughout the universe (Consequences Quotes)
Every great decision creates ripples. Like a huge boulder dropping in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences (Consequences Quotes)
Life is like a game where you seek to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving your goals. You get better at this game through practice. The game consists of a series of choices that have consequences. You can’t stop the problems and choices from coming at you, so it’s better to learn how to deal with them (Consequences Quotes)
Absolute hospitality would in no way amount to the absence of violence. To the contrary, it would enthrone violence precisely under the guise of nonviolence because it would leave the violators unchanged and the consequences of violence unremedied (Consequences Quotes)
Ideas do have consequences in history, yet not because those ideas are inherently truthful or obviously correct but rather because of the way they are embedded in very powerful institutions, networks, interests, and symbols (Consequences Quotes)
If a government resorts to inflation, that is, creates money in order to cover its budget deficits or expands credit in order to stimulate business, then no power on earth, no gimmick, device, trick or even indexation can prevent its economic consequences (Consequences Quotes)
The possibilities of thought training are infinite, its consequences eternal, and yet few take the pains to direct their thinking into channels that will do them good, but instead leave all to chance (Consequences Quotes)
The vicarious responsibility for things we have not done, this taking upon ourselves the consequences for things we are entirely innocent of, is the price we pay for the fact that we live our lives not by ourselves but among our fellow men, and that the faculty of action, which, after all, is the political faculty par excellence, can be actualized only as one of the many and manifold forces of human community (Consequences Quotes)
Cancer is the emergent property of the accumulated errors in an ordered system. It’s the consequences of random events (Consequences Quotes)
One way to determine if a view is inadequate is to check its consequences in particular cases, sometimes extreme ones, but if someone always decided what the result should be in any case by applying the given view itself, this would preclude discovering it did not correctly fit the case. Readers who hold they would plug in to the machine should notice whether their first impulse was not to do so, followed later by the thought that since only experiences could matter, the machine would be all right after all (Consequences Quotes)
To fail to properly contextualize content has historically been the basis for the slaughter of millions of people in every century throughout human history. To ignore context is the greatest source of catastrophe for every generation of man, and it continutes on in the present time with the same catastrophic consequences. There is no greater lesson that needs to be learned to reduce human suffering and bring ignorance to an end (Consequences Quotes)
The features of globalization have huge consequences on pandemics. It just connects us so much more closely... And as a consequence, every one of these viruses that passes from animals to humans has the capacity to infect all of us (Consequences Quotes)
Avatar is the most high tech film in terms of its execution, dealing with essentially a very low tech subject; which is our relationship with nature... and in fact the irony is that the film is about our relationship with nature and how our technological civilization has taken us several removes away from a truly natural existence and the consequences of that to us (Consequences Quotes)
I accept the consequences of all that I do. No matter what we do with our lives, our bodies are temporary. We’re all going to die, and I’d rather die climbing than doing anything else (Consequences Quotes)
It’s so easy to conform and to follow. It’s very difficult to be rebellious and live by what you believe is right. And to make decisions and to take the consequences. Very few people do (Consequences Quotes)
The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after (Consequences Quotes)
Consequences don’t just go away. They aren’t suddenly dissolved just because forgiveness has been desired or given (Consequences Quotes)
Whatever consequences come as a result, in terms of work, I’m fully prepared to embrace because it’s a priority to me to be a mother (Consequences Quotes)
You have a lot to learn before becoming a champion. Once you are champion, you must accept the consequences (Consequences Quotes)
They’re in the red zone. They’re in the last 20 yards, and you can’t let them cross that goal line. You can’t let them score a touchdown, because that would have unbelievable consequences, grievous consequences for the peace and security of us all, of the world really (Consequences Quotes)
Real repentance means that a man has come, not only to be sorry for the consequences of his sin, but to hate sin itself (Consequences Quotes)
Of all the intellectual hurdles which the human mind has confronted and has overcome in the last fifteen hundred years the one which seems to me to have been the most amazing in character and the most stupendous in the scope of its consequences is the one relating to the problem of motion (Consequences Quotes)