Considered Quotes

Text Quotes
People fear anyone who differs from what is considered normal, and in a small town the idea of normal can be as narrow as the streets (Considered Quotes)
People who stay in the same town with the same friends for their entire lives never get a chance to find out who they can really be, because they will always be considered as who they were (Considered Quotes)
Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another. Isolation is devastating to the human psyche. That is why solitary confinement is considered the cruelest of punishments (Considered Quotes)
I’ve always considered myself a good person. I’ve never done anything to purposely hurt anyone. I was in shock that this happened to me, and because it did, I turned into this vengeful person. I’ve never truly hated anyone, but I was glad when I saw him lying there on the floor (Considered Quotes)
History has now been for the first time systematically considered, and has been found, like other phenomena, subject to invariable laws (Considered Quotes)
Keep children as much as possible by themselves... keep them from company, good or bad... It will be generally found that the most virtuous and the most intellectual, are those who have been brought up with few companions... in fact his mental resources may be considered entirely unknown and unexplored, who cannot spend his best and happiest hours alone (Considered Quotes)
I was always acting primarily with shareholder interests in mind.It’s also true I’ve always had a fairly moralistic attitude to business, and would not do anything that I considered improper.As a consequence, I have occasionally pursued issues during my career that other people might have avoided (Considered Quotes)
Stubbornness usually is considered a negative; but I think that trait has been a positive for me (Considered Quotes)
It is a fascinating and provocative thought that a body of water deserves to be considered as an organism in its own right (Considered Quotes)
Adorable children are considered to be the general property of the human race. Rude children belong to their mothers (Considered Quotes)
Any attempt to disturb the deadly routine of instruction is looked upon as sabotage. And the notion that the aims and functions of education should be determined in the local community by a close and continuous discussion among students, faculty, administration, and citizens is so visionary that it is not even seriously considered (Considered Quotes)
What people often mean by getting rid of conflict is getting rid of diversity, and it is of the utmost importance that these should not be considered the same (Considered Quotes)
When the institutions of money rule the world, it is perhaps inevitable that the interests of money will take precedence over the interests of people. What we are experiencing might best be described as a case of money colonizing life. To accept this absurd distortion of human institutions and purpose should be considered nothing less than an act of collective, suicidal insanity (Considered Quotes)
He who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth is generally considered a fortunate person, but his good fortune is small compared to that of the happy mortal who enters this world with a passion for flowers in his soul (Considered Quotes)
Myths and science fulfill a similar function: they both provide human beings with a representation of the world and of the forces that are supposed to govern it. They both fix the limits of what is considered as possible (Considered Quotes)
A lodestone is a wonderful thing in very many experiments, and like living things. And one of its remarkable virtues in that which the ancients considered to be a living soul in the sky, in the globes and in the stars, in the sun and in the moon (Considered Quotes)
Facts are of not much use, considered as facts. They bewilder by their number and their apparent incoherency. Let them be digested into theory, however, and brought into mutual harmony, and it is another matter (Considered Quotes)
I think making things beautiful is important. But often what’s first considered ugly is beautiful, too (Considered Quotes)
The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally... enable the people to resist and triumph over them (Considered Quotes)
Golf courses are becoming far too long. Twenty years ago we played three rounds of golf a day and considered we had taken an interminably long time if we took more than two hours to play a round. Today it not infrequently takes over three hours (Considered Quotes)
There are few substance to which it yields interest, when it is considered how very intimately the knowledge and properties and uses of iron is connected with human civilization (Considered Quotes)
I remember sitting at the end of my mum’s bed being fascinated by her ritual of getting dressed. It was a very methodical and considered process. I suppose you could say she was my first real muse (Considered Quotes)
You’re considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion... But I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity (Considered Quotes)
Heat may be considered, either in respect of its quantity, or of its intensity. Thus two lbs. of water, equally heated, must contain double the quantity that one of them does, though the thermometer applied to them separately, or together, stands at precisely the same point, because it requires double the time to heat two lbs. as it does to heat one (Considered Quotes)
There is a distinction between what may be called a problem and what may be considered an exercise. The latter serves to drill a student in some technique or procedure, and requires little if any, original thought... No exercise, then, can always be done with reasonbable dispatch and with a miniumum of creative thinking. In contrast to an exercise, a problem, if it is a good one for its level, should require though on the part of the student (Considered Quotes)
Morphy gained most of his wins by playing directly and simply, and it is simple and logical method that constitutes the true brilliance of his play, if it is considered from the viewpoint of the great masters (Considered Quotes)
Photography has always reminded me of the second child.. trying to prove itself. The fact that it wasn’t really considered an art.. that it was considered a craft.. has trapped almost every serious photographer (Considered Quotes)
It’s not about whether you are innocent or guilty. It’s about whether or not you can prove you’re innocent. If you can’t prove you’re innocent, then you’re considered guilty. It’s been flipped: Now it’s guilty until proven innocent (Considered Quotes)
I think it’s a problem that people are considered immoral if they’re not religious. That’s just not true... If you do something for a religious reason, you do it because you’ll be rewarded in an afterlife or in this world. That’s not quite as good as something you do for purely generous reasons (Considered Quotes)
In societies that worship money and success, the losers become objects of scorn. Those who work the hardest for the least are called lazy. Those forced to live in substandard housing are thought to be the authors of substandard lives. Those who do not finish high school or cannot afford to go to college are considered deficient or inept (Considered Quotes)