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Constancy Quotes

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The eternal struggle in the law between constancy and change is largely a struggle between history and reason, between past reason and present needs  (Constancy Quotes) Many are really virtuous who cannot explain what virtue is... But the powers themselves in reality perform their several operations with sufficient constancy and uniformity in persons of good health whatever their opinions be about them  (Constancy Quotes) It is the fashion to talk of our changing climate and bewail the hot summers and hard winters of tradition, but how seldom we pause to marvel at the remarkable constancy of the weather from year to year  (Constancy Quotes) People of our time are so formed for agitation and ostentation that goodness, moderation, equability, constancy, and such quiet and obscure qualities are no longer felt  (Constancy Quotes) Idleness and constancy fix the mind to what it finds easy and agreeable. This habit always confines and cramps up our knowledge; and no one has ever taken the trouble to stretch and carry his understanding as far as it could go  (Constancy Quotes) We often in our misfortunes take that for constancy and patience which is only dejection of mind; we suffer without daring to holdup our heads, just as cowards let themselves be knocked on the head because they have not courage to strike back  (Constancy Quotes) A good marriage... is a sweet association in life: full of constancy, trust, and an infinite number of useful and solid services and mutual obligations  (Constancy Quotes) People who know the state of emptiness will always be able to dissolve their problems by constancy  (Constancy Quotes)
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