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Constant Quotes

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It is no doubt technically possible to study metabolism and respiration of fishes during swimming at a constant rate, and of certain insects and birds during flight, and to obtain information similar to that obtained on man during work on a bicycle ergometer or a treadmill.  (Constant Quotes) If this constant bitter disappointment was love, then I was perfectly fine not to have anything to do with it.  (Constant Quotes) Black boys became criminalized. I was in constant dread for their lives, because they were targets everywhere. They still are.  (Constant Quotes) . . .there is an element of Play that is almost ritualistic in Black folk life. It serves to mediate the tensions, stress, and pain of constant exploitation and oppression.  (Constant Quotes) I’ve never seen anyone more messed up over success than Richard Pryor. For him, it’s a constant battle between success in the white world and keeping it real for his black self.  (Constant Quotes) Sadly, the only constant in my writing environment stems from some inexplicable need to listen to the news. CNN loops over and over in the background from the time I wake until the time I finally, blessedly, fall asleep.  (Constant Quotes) The human body is in constant change the minute we’re born. It’s in a constant state of decay. We’re all like Ford Escorts, just falling apart.  (Constant Quotes) Man is important in one sense only. He was made in the image of God: That is his importance. He is not important for his body, ego, or personality. His constant affirmation of ego-consciousness is the source of all his problems.  (Constant Quotes) I’ve bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo, and I talk to my friends that I’ve made over the past 15, 20 years. It’s just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me.  (Constant Quotes) Good men are a bit like border collies: we’re happiest when we’re useful. That’s why the life of a good man involves constant striving for direction and meaning.  (Constant Quotes) It’s a constant battle between what your heart tells you, and what your brain tells you  (Constant Quotes) It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.  (Constant Quotes) Life is a constant back-and-forth. We take a breath in and then we breathe out. The same is true for the culture as a whole.  (Constant Quotes) Don’t get me wrong: I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Even the word ‘cancer’ brings back the nausea and pain, the fear I felt, and the heartbreak I saw in my parents’ faces. The smells that fill hospitals and the constant tired feeling that comes with treatment are also permanently stuck in my memory.  (Constant Quotes) I like the constant rise and fall of the British film industry. But above all, I like the workhorses who kept going no matter what.  (Constant Quotes) Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events, we only met them as if for a daily royal audience.  (Constant Quotes) Grooming-wise, it is now a constant battle as I progressively turn into my father. I have to keep on top of ear and nose hair - things you never believe will happen to you. Suddenly I have a shaving brush in my ear and I don’t know where it’s come from, and the more hair I take the out, the more it surges back.  (Constant Quotes) Deeply immersed in a constant bubble bath of sin, you cannot communicate with Jesus Christ unless you are ready to get out of the bath. John 1:9  (Constant Quotes) Building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence.  (Constant Quotes) In business, there’s a constant focus on developing strategies, reviewing executive performance against those strategies each year, engaging with opposing or different points of view, and having intellectual dialogue.  (Constant Quotes) In the same way that you’re driven in your business to keep innovating - Facebook is a wonderful example of constant innovation - think about doing that in philanthropy.  (Constant Quotes) Business model innovation is constant in this economy. You start with a vision of a platform. For a while, you think there’s a line of sight, and then it’s gone. There’s suddenly a new angle.  (Constant Quotes) Life is continued work. It’s constant learning. The whole concept of retirement I don’t even buy into. We should constantly be working. Maybe not physically working, but we could be spiritually, emotionally working toward bettering ourselves and bettering the lives of others around us.  (Constant Quotes) Love is a delicate plant that needs constant tending and nurturing, and this cannot be done by snorting at the adored object like a gas explosion and calling her friends lice.  (Constant Quotes) Doing the soaps, every day it’s constant training. Dealing with camera angles, the other people - it’s great training.  (Constant Quotes) I’m no health care expert, but you’ve got technology that constantly advances the ability to extend life and maybe improve lifestyle. That puts constant upward pressure on health care costs.  (Constant Quotes) I didn’t have any doubts about my choice of career, but I had constant doubts about my ability, yes.  (Constant Quotes) God’s love for us is constant and will not diminish, but he cannot rescue us from the painful results that are caused by wrong choices.  (Constant Quotes) It’s not humanly possible for anyone not to go through changes. Change is a constant in everyone’s life, even in mine. I have enjoyed the change at every stage of my life.  (Constant Quotes) My heavily-cleverly disguised low self-regard manifested itself in my constant showing off, my addiction for publicity, and my intolerable ‘me-me-me’ attitudes and actions. But it’s done, isn’t it? And no one can really change, can they? And, hey, it has been a lot of fun being the life-long irresponsible, snarky, nasty art scamp.  (Constant Quotes)
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