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Constant Quotes

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What she wants to say has to do not only with joy but with the penetrating, constant fear that is joy’s other half.  (Constant Quotes) I increasingly wonder whether most humans are in a constant state of unconsciously fearing each other. Perhaps they fear how intimately different other people might be to them, and the problem is that there is no real way of finding out just how huge that difference might be.  (Constant Quotes) It is the truth of grace and not of the law that brings you true freedom. The truth of the law only binds you. In fact, religious bondage is one of the most crippling bondages with which a person can be encumbered. Religious bondage keeps one in constant fear, guilt, and anxiety.  (Constant Quotes) I welcome all butterflies into my heart because that feeling is a constant reminder of how alive and full of love I truly am.  (Constant Quotes) The sensation of never feeling good enough or pretty enough will always be there. It’s a constant dialogue, and you just learn to be more powerful than that other voice. When you hear it come up, you shut it down.  (Constant Quotes) There’s a constant contradiction between what feels good and what feels right. But you live with decisions that you make in your life.  (Constant Quotes) Well, I think women across Australia, particularly, are a bit fed up with this constant attack and belittling of women in politics, and particularly the role of a female as a prime minister.  (Constant Quotes) In the modern era, our nation experienced constant hardship and difficulties. The Chinese nation reached the most dangerous period. Since then, countless people with lofty ideals to realise the great revival of the Chinese nation rose to resist and fight, but failed one time after another.  (Constant Quotes) Excellence is a journey and a constant process. It is never a final destination. Have fun and enjoy it as a lifetime self-improvement program. Polish yourself for excellence. Glitter and sparkle for success.  (Constant Quotes) Financial prosperity is impossible without constant planning and management of money  (Constant Quotes) I’ve had nonstop financial problems my whole adult life. It’s always been a constant balance, year to year: ‘Where’s the time? Where’s the money?’  (Constant Quotes) I think for any artist, your voice is always evolving. For me, the constant is finding a tension or balance between drama and comedy.  (Constant Quotes) I have an ethics background. It doesn’t mean you’re perfect. But I tried to set an entirely different bar for politics in D.C. that’s based on ethics and first principles and political philosophy, and not this constant bickering of, ‘Are you Right or Left?’  (Constant Quotes) Contrary to slanderous Eastern opinion, much of Iowa is not flat, but rolling hills country with a lot of timber, a handsome and imaginative landscape, crowded with constant small changes of scene and full of little creeks winding with pools where shiners, crappies and catfish hover.  (Constant Quotes) Happiness isn’t a constant. You get fleeting glimpses. You have to fight for those moments, but they make it all worth it.  (Constant Quotes) With theater, depending on the audience, the show is different every night and really requires your constant concentration. With film, it’s more possible to focus for shorter, more intense bits of time.  (Constant Quotes) I’ve been following Jesus for 35 years. He’s guided me, comforted me, encouraged me, challenged me, befriended me, and been my constant companion since November 8, 1981.  (Constant Quotes) The thing about tennis is if you stay off for two weeks, or just for three days, you can lose your rhythm quickly. So it’s just a question of constant diligence and vigilance.  (Constant Quotes) Our work is directly proportional to the distances our dreams travel across, as force (power) is a constant factor  (Constant Quotes) The war for freedom will never really be won because the price of freedom is constant vigilance over ourselves and over our Government.  (Constant Quotes) It’s important in show business to have friends who understand the cut and thrust of everyday working life and the constant rejection.  (Constant Quotes) Constant companionship is not enjoyable, any more than constant eating. We sit too long at the table of friendship, when we outsit our appetites for each other’s thoughts.  (Constant Quotes) My working hypothesis is that stupidity in popular culture is a constant. Popular culture cannot get more stupid.  (Constant Quotes) I have the habit of attention to such excess, that my senses get no rest - but suffer from a constant strain.  (Constant Quotes) It is very difficult to get legislation passed. But then the danger always is that you have no power at all if you do not exercise constant power.  (Constant Quotes) The work is constant. There’s a time for rest, but I don’t believe in getting comfortable just because everyone says you’ve arrived.  (Constant Quotes) Having constant supporters and people who are always there and always giving back and knowing that they’re loving what you’re doing is always awesome to see.  (Constant Quotes) On the road, it’s constant sensory overload, and it’s easy to lose track of days and time and to get caught up in the constant giving of yourself.  (Constant Quotes) Giving up is conceding that things will never get better, and that is just not true. Ups and downs are a constant in life, and I’ve been belted into that roller coaster a thousand times.  (Constant Quotes) It is useless, sisters, for you to attempt the duties of your exalted callings . . . without the constant companionship of the Spirit of God.  (Constant Quotes)
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