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Constant Quotes

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I think that’s a struggle of every Christian, to be able to get to that point where they’re in constant prayer with God - so that everything they do, in thought, in speech, in work, is praising God and worshipping God.  (Constant Quotes) The concept of God in Jewish orthodoxy is one where you’re having constant quarrels with God. Where I come from, in Islam, the only concept of God is you submit to Him and you obey His commands; no quarreling allowed.  (Constant Quotes) There is a practice that is most powerful in keeping us united with God. That practice is the constant recollection of His presence.  (Constant Quotes) A constant attention to the work which God entrusts us with is a mark of solid piety  (Constant Quotes) The bread of such a nation (living godly) shall be in constant supply. Talking of abundance, provision, prosperity, surplus etc.  (Constant Quotes) Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other.  (Constant Quotes) Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though it were little.  (Constant Quotes) I think that’s it’s really important to have good friends. Nowadays, you can text 24 hours a day and be in constant contact, but every once in a while, it’s nice to just get out with your girlfriends and have fun.  (Constant Quotes) This is an ugly and mean world, and only to spite it we mustn’t weep. If you want to know, this is the constant source of my good spirit, of my humor. Not to cry, out of spite, only to laugh out of spite, only to laugh.  (Constant Quotes) Economic progress and justice do not consist in superbly equalized destitution, but in the constant creation of more and more goods and services, of more and more wealth and income to be shared.  (Constant Quotes) The further the departure from direct and constant control by the citizens, the less has the government of the ingredient of republicanism...  (Constant Quotes) What I saw when I was a child was my father who was a pilot, and because of circumstances was thrown into the political system, and all I saw when was small after my grandmother died was my father in constant - constant combat with the system in India, and then I saw him die, actually.  (Constant Quotes) Comic books, graphic novels, involve constant toggling and it’s hard work. You get tired reading comic books, but you never get tired looking at pictures or reading words.  (Constant Quotes) Each of us must work to become a hardheaded realist, or else we risk wasting our time and energy on pursuing impossible dreams. Yet constant naysayers pursue no less impossible dreams. Their fear and cynicism move nothing forward. They kill progress. How many cynics built empires, great cities, or powerful corporations?  (Constant Quotes) Every great dance company, even when it seems poised in perfect balance, needs constant renewal of both repertory and performers.  (Constant Quotes) You see, greatness for a state doesn’t require some huge monument for all to see. It is not a journey to a particular destination - but a commitment to follow a course of constant and never-ending improvement.  (Constant Quotes) The founder of Dell found ways of delivering Hewlett Packard’s most profitable products for much lower prices but forgot to deliver their quality so within a few years had fallen behind again. Ideas need constant renewal. A great idea will never be perfect and will never work perfectly in all markets and all seasons.  (Constant Quotes) Living in New York City is one constant, ongoing literary pilgrimage. For 20 years, I lived among the ghosts of great writers and walked where they had walked.  (Constant Quotes) You have to have great passion, because to sing operatic music requires lots of work. I study for at least two hours every day. The voice is like an instrument and requires constant exercise.  (Constant Quotes) There have been many instances of people combining the political life with the spiritual life, a life of constant self-examination. Gandhi was a great example of that.  (Constant Quotes) Buchanan’s constant crowing about his great victory only added to the perception that he was a clown; a blithering buffoon.  (Constant Quotes) The greatest reward of this constant interrogation, confrontation with the brutality of my country, is that it has freed me from hosts and myths.  (Constant Quotes) It’s been constant grinding and trying to secure work that I care about, tireless auditions and meetings. I’ve been fortunate that a lot of cool doors have opened to me, chiefly meeting great people who were inspired by what I’ve done and what they feel I could bring to their projects.  (Constant Quotes) One of the nice things about being a private company is operating without the intensity of public glare. It’s hard to grow a company under a microscope of constant second guessing.  (Constant Quotes) The work that leads to a doctor’s degree is a constant temptation to sacrifice one’s growth as a man to one’s growth as a specialist.  (Constant Quotes) Let the Gita be to you a mine of diamonds, as it has been to me; let it be your constant guide and friend on life’s way.  (Constant Quotes) The first thing that matters: I am a child of the eighties. I grew up in a neon wonderland of talking horses, compassionate bears, hair that didn’t move in a stiff wind, and the constant threat of nuclear war.  (Constant Quotes) Who the hell ever dreamed up a tie? It’s just such a weird idea, and yet it has been literally hanging around forever as the one constant and boring men’s fashion staple.  (Constant Quotes) The only constant in our marriage is the edge of the cliff we’re hanging on to, killing time until we tire ourselves out and give in to our inevitable collapse.  (Constant Quotes) Hatred, jealousy, and fear hinder peace of mind. When you’re angry or unforgiving, for example, your mental suffering is constant. It is better to forgive than to spoil your peace of mind with ill feelings.  (Constant Quotes)
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