Consumer Society Quotes
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Text Quotes
In a consumer society, expectations dare not plateau, because a growing economy depends on rising expectations... The more we let our level of contentment be determined by outside factors-a new car, fashionable clothes, a prestigious career, social status-the more we relinquish control over our own happiness (Consumer Society Quotes)
[The currency of being celebrity] used to be only the elect had any manna in the information society and everyone else was a consumer. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Chinese people as consumers, while they’ve always valued food and beverage for the health food qualities, they are also now wanting it in terms of other values: ‘Does this speak about my position in society? Am I now middle-class, and does this matter to me?’ (Consumer Society Quotes)
Shallowness and ignorance have been our lot in the mass consumer societies we inhabit, where we were too distracted to act politically, apart from periodically deputing political elites to take life-and-death decisions on our behalf. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Criticism is hypocrisy; society is hypocrisy. I’m a tourist. I’m a consumer. I do the things that I photograph and can be criticized of. (Consumer Society Quotes)
It would appear that the traditional parliamentary democracies can offer no fundamental opposition to that automatism of technological civilization and the industrial-consumer society, for they too are being dragged helplessly along by it. People are manipulated in ways that are infinitely more subtle and refined than the brutal methods used in post-totalitarian societies. (Consumer Society Quotes)
I think it would be a great tragedy to devote medical resources and genetic technological breakthroughs to purposes that are not to do with health or medicine, but instead are to do with satisfying the desires that are created by the consumer society. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Label celebrity a consumer society’s most precious consumer product, and eventually it becomes the hero with a thousand faces, the packaging of the society’s art and politics, the framework of its commerce, and the stuff of its religion. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Look, I can surely say by now that I’ve got the antibodies to communism inside me. But when I think of consumer society, with all its tragedies, I wonder which of the two systems is better. (Consumer Society Quotes)
A consumer society is about simplfying and degrading the consumer as well as the product (Consumer Society Quotes)
My argument is not that we must never intervene in nature. My argument is that there is a moral difference between intervention for the sake of health, to cure or prevent disease, and intervention for the sake of achieving a competitive edge for our kids in a consumer society. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Aiming at giving our kids a competitive edge in a consumer society - that, in principle, is a goal that is limitless. (Consumer Society Quotes)
It is economically irrational to exclude large environmental costs from the balance sheets of the producers and the consumers. You are only kidding yourself if you export those costs on to society as a whole. (Consumer Society Quotes)
Behind the criticism of fashion as an artistic medium is a highly ideological prejudice: against markets, against consumers, against the dynamism of Western commercial society. The debate is not about art but about culture and economics. (Consumer Society Quotes)
There is the desire of a consumer society to have no learning curves. This tends to result in very dumbed-down products that are easy to get started on, but are generally worthless and/or debilitating (Consumer Society Quotes)
Contrary to popular stereotypes, seeking simplicity doesn’t require that you become a monk, a subsistence forager, or a wild-eyed revolutionary. Nor does it mean that you must unconditionally avoid the role of consumer. Rather, simplicity merely requires a bit of personal sacrifice: an adjustment of your habits and routines within consumer society itself (Consumer Society Quotes)
I believe that the whole idea of the consumer society is tottering. We’ve kept ourselves going by producing more and more goods, most of which people don’t need. I’m anti-consumerism; I own four pairs of black Levis and that’s it (Consumer Society Quotes)
Society has a hyper emphasis on thin, and that trend comes from the consumers - it does not come from the fashion industry. The fashion industry needs to make money; that’s what we do. If people said, ‘We want a 300 pound purple person,’ the first industry to do it would be fashion (Consumer Society Quotes)
Consumer society tantalises us. We then try within ourselves to control the needs that are being constantly stimulated (Consumer Society Quotes)
For 500 years the West patented six killer applications that set it apart. The first to download them was Japan. Over the last century, one Asian country after another has downloaded these killer apps- competition, modern science, the rule of law and private property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. Those six things are the secret sauce of Western civilization (Consumer Society Quotes)
In modern consumer society, the attack on mother-child eroticism took its total form; breastfeeding was proscribed and the breasts reserved for the husband’s fetishistic delectation. At the same time, babies were segregated, put into cold beds alone and not picked up if they cried (Consumer Society Quotes)
Religion is the best antidote to the individualism of the consumer age. The idea that society can do without it flies in the face of history and, now, evolutionary biology (Consumer Society Quotes)
America must be the teacher of democracy, not the advertiser of the consumer society. It is unrealistic for the rest of the world to reach the American living standard (Consumer Society Quotes)
The model of the consumer society is something that will one day end. My personal view is that too much consumption is wrong (Consumer Society Quotes)
All that remains to the mother in modern consumer society is the role of scapegoat; psychoanalysis uses huge amounts of money and time to persuade analysis and to foist their problems on to the absent mother, who has no opportunity to utter a word in her own defence. Hostility to the mother in our societies is an index of mental health (Consumer Society Quotes)
Sadness is the matrix from which wit and irony spring; sadness is uncomfortable and creative, which is why consumer society cannot tolerate it (Consumer Society Quotes)
Within a capitalist consumer society, the cult of personality has the power to subsume ideas, to make the person, the personality into the product and not the work itself (Consumer Society Quotes)
The metabolism of a consumer society requires it continually to eat and excrete, every day throwing itself away in plastic bags (Consumer Society Quotes)
In a consumer society, people wallow in things, fascinating, enjoyable things. If you define your value by the things you acquire and surround yourself with, being excluded is humiliating (Consumer Society Quotes)
We cannot go beyond the consumer society unless we first understand that obligatory public schools inevitably reproduce such a society, no matter what is taught in them (Consumer Society Quotes)
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