Content Quotes

Text Quotes
Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success (Content Quotes)
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character (Content Quotes)
What most of all enables a man to serve the public is not wealth, but content and independence; which, requiring no superfluity at home, distracts not the mind from the common good (Content Quotes)
What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books (Content Quotes)
What did you think would happen? We in Silicon Valley undermined copyright to make commerce become more about services instead of content: more about our code instead of their files (Content Quotes)
Cause I'd rather stay here With all the madmen Than perish with the sadmen roaming free And I'd rather play here With all the madmen For I'm quite content they're all as sane As me (Content Quotes)
Helped are those who are content to be themselves; they will never lack mystery in their lives and the joys of self discovery will be constant (Content Quotes)
If she come, I be happy. If she don't, I be content. And then I figure this the lesson I was suppose to learn (Content Quotes)
I am not a believer, not an atheist, not an agnostic. I am more content with questions than answers (Content Quotes)
So we can be filled with holes and loss and wide expanses of unhealed geography - and we can also be excited by life and in love and content at the exact same moment (Content Quotes)
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content (Content Quotes)
Pigmentation was a quick and convenient way of judging a person. One of us, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once proposed we instead judge people by the content of their character. He was shot (Content Quotes)
As I walked back over the bridge, I thought that of all the people I'd talked to today, I was probably the least content in my situation (Content Quotes)
A science fiction story is a story built around human beings, with a human problem and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its scientific content (Content Quotes)
We have an innate sensibility for being content, feeling joyful, and living in happiness without conditions. Happiness is a natural condition of existence (Content Quotes)
To condemn spontaneous and delightful occupations because they are useless for self-preservation shows an uncritical prizing of life irrespective of its content (Content Quotes)
A wise man shall overrule his stars, and have a greater influence upon his own content than all the constellations and planets of the firmament (Content Quotes)
The degeneracy of mankind is distinguished from its uprise by the dominance of chill abstractions, divorced from aesthetic content (Content Quotes)
Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the Earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy (Content Quotes)
When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it (Content Quotes)
That man is great, and he alone, who serves a greatness not his own, for neither praise nor pelf: Content to know and be unknown: Whole in himself (Content Quotes)
Poor people never, or hardly ever, ask for an explanation of all they have to put up with. They hate one another, and content themselves with that (Content Quotes)
Till we can become divine, we must be content to be human, lest in our hurry for change we sink to something lower (Content Quotes)
Who hopeth in Gods helpe, his helpe can not starte: Nothing is impossible to a willyng hart, and will maie wyn my herte, herein to consent, To take all thinges as it cometh, and be content (Content Quotes)
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough; but riches fineless is as poor as winter to him that ever that ever fears he shall be poor (Content Quotes)
Farewell the tranquil mind, farewell content! Farewell the plumed troops and the big wars That makes ambition virtue! (Content Quotes)
Obviously one must hold oneself responsible for the evil impulses of one's dreams. In what other way can one deal with them? Unless the content of the dream rightly understood is inspired by alien spirits, it is part of my own being (Content Quotes)
Ay, now am I in Arden; the more fool I: when I was at home, I was in a better place: but travellers must be content (Content Quotes)
I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other men's good, content with my harm (Content Quotes)
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you (Content Quotes)