Content Quotes

Text Quotes
I want to go create my own independent content and entertainment, in new models and in new ways, and essentially show studios and networks that people are good (Content Quotes)
I feel really content in my 30s actually. I don’t feel like the wisest person in the world but I definitely don’t worry or stress like I used to (Content Quotes)
The truth of life lies in the impulsiveness of matter. The mind of man has been poisoned by concepts. Do not ask him to be content, ask him only to be calm, to believe that he has found his place. But only the madman is really calm (Content Quotes)
We should not be comfortable or content in a society where the only way to remain free of surveillance and repression is if we make ourselves as unthreatning, passive, and compliant as possible (Content Quotes)
I suspect that most of the individuals who have religious faith are content with blind faith (Content Quotes)
All who are not lunatics are agreed about certain things. That it is better to be alive than dead, better to be adequately fed than starved, better to be free than a slave. Many people desire those things only for themselves and their friends; they are quite content that their enemies should suffer. These people can only be refuted by science: Humankind has become so much one family that we cannot ensure our own prosperity except by ensuring that of everyone else. If you wish to be happy yourself, you must resign yourself to seeing others also happy (Content Quotes)
I believe that it is important for the artist, painter, poet, dancer, etc. to keep in mind that it is the art that drives the art world and not the other way around. Artists and other people of intelligence have the power to bring deeper content to our culture (Content Quotes)
At the end of the day, a television, a computer, or a smart phone is just a device through which one can access content. The content itself is what matters, not the device (Content Quotes)
A characteristic thing about the aspiring immigrant is the fact that he is not content to progress alone. Solitary success is imperfect success in his eyes. He must take his family with him as he rises (Content Quotes)
We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it (Content Quotes)
You would never hear any song played twice in the same way. The words were retained, but within a certain frame there was great latitude, and the musician could improvise to his heart’s content; and the more the variations and combinations, the greater the musician (Content Quotes)
To be fully present with what is, is to be content... and to be content is to be blessed by everything that happens in life (Content Quotes)
If you create great content, huzzah. But if it doesn’t move anywhere, you’re not succeeding (Content Quotes)
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Content Quotes)
Those who remain content easily remain small: small are their joys, small are their ecstasies, small are their silences, small is their being. But there is no need! This smallness is your own imposition upon your freedom, upon your unlimited possibilities, upon your unlimited potential (Content Quotes)
It is faith, and not reason, which impels men to action... Intelligence is content to point out the road, but never drives us along it (Content Quotes)
The soul is content to stay imprisoned in the human body... for through the eyes all the various things of nature are represented to the soul (Content Quotes)
I do not think it is any benefit for artists or fans to have all the new, wide distribution channels in the online world controlled by those who have controlled the old, narrower ones,.. This is especially true if they achieve that control by leveraging their dominance in content or conduit space in an anticompetitive way to control the new, independent music services that are attempting to enhance the consumer’s experience of music (Content Quotes)
What you think is an illusion created by your glands, your emotions and, in the last analysis, by the content of your stomach. That gray matter you’re so proud of is like a mirror in an amusement park which transmits to you nothing but distorted signals from reality forever beyond your grasp (Content Quotes)
I’m quite content: although what I’m doing is far from being as I should like, I am complemented often enough all the same (Content Quotes)
It really is appallingly difficult to do something which is complete in every respect, and I think most people are content with mere approximations. Well, my dear friend, I intend to battle on, scrape off and start again (Content Quotes)
The idea of content in art is today merely a hindrance, a nuisance, a subtle or not so subtle philistinism (Content Quotes)
To emphasize style is to slight content, or to introduce an attitude which is neutral with respect to content (Content Quotes)
The difficulty with color is to go beyond the fact that it’s color? to have it be not just a colorful picture but really be a picture about something. It’s difficult. So often color gets caught up in color, and it becomes merly decorative. Some photographers use it brilliantly to make visual statements combining color and content; otherwise it is empty (Content Quotes)
My aim is not to exhibit craft, but rather to submerge it, and make it rightfully the handmaiden of beauty, power and emotional content (Content Quotes)
Content may by trivial. But I do not think that any person may pronounce either upon the weight or upon the triviality of an idea before its execution (Content Quotes)
I would be content being a housewife if I could find the kind of man who wouldn’t treat me like one (Content Quotes)
Mass production is nothing new. Weren’t cathedrals built through mass production? The pyramids?... Paintings can be painted with the left hand, the right hand, someone else’s hand, or many people’s hands. The scale of production is irrelevant to its content (Content Quotes)
When sculpting the human figure in stone it is necessary to draw the whole form out of the content of the head (Content Quotes)
He whose son is obedient to him, whose wife’s conduct is in accordance with his wishes, and who is content with his riches, has his heaven here on earth (Content Quotes)