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Fame can never make us lie down contentedly on a deathbed  (Contentedly Quotes) Love, it seems to me, is the condition in which one is most contentedly oneself  (Contentedly Quotes) Foaly twitched his tail contentedly. Genius. No point in being humble about it  (Contentedly Quotes) In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong  (Contentedly Quotes) A kiss is but a kiss now! and no wave of a great flood that whirls me to the sea. But, as you will! we’ll sit contentedly, and eat our pot of honey on the grave  (Contentedly Quotes) If men only felt about death as they do about sleep, all terrors would cease... Men sleep contentedly, assured that they will wake the following morning. They should feel the same about their lives  (Contentedly Quotes) Once my jars were labeled, I felt contentedly thrilled with myself, as if I had pulled off a wonderful trick. People feel this way when they bake bread or have babies, and although they are perfectly entitled to feel that way, in fact, nature does most of the work  (Contentedly Quotes) The painter wanders and loiters contentedly from place to place, always on the lookout for some brilliant butterfly of a picture which can be caught and carried safely home  (Contentedly Quotes) A good executive is one who makes people contentedly settle for less than they meant to get, in return for more than they meant to give  (Contentedly Quotes) Vanity is so frequently the apparent motive of advice that we, for the most part, summon our powers to oppose it without very accurate inquiry whether it is right. It is sufficient that another is growing great in his own eyes at our expense, and assumes authority over us without our permission; for many would contentedly suffer the consequences of their own mistakes, rather than the insolence of him who triumphs as their deliverer  (Contentedly Quotes) Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly  (Contentedly Quotes) What woman wouldn’t want to be pursued in a flattering, non-physically threatening way by a gorgeous, fascinating, intelligent man? Being wanted, desired, being the focus of a man’s aspirations, his goal, his grail - the one companion he must have to live contentedly - is one of the most universal and fundamental of female wishes.  (Contentedly Quotes) He, that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man’s door, Imbitt’ring all his state.  (Contentedly Quotes)