Contention Quotes

Text Quotes
A true Christian, who is born anew of the Spirit of Christ, is in the simplicity of Christ, and hath no strife or contention with any man about religion. (Contention Quotes)
The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. (Contention Quotes)
It’s got to do with the contention between content and form. Invariably that’s what’s responsible for its energies, its tensions, its being interesting or not. (Contention Quotes)
The cause of all these evils was the lust for power arising from greed and ambition; and from these passions proceeded the violence of parties once engaged in contention. (Contention Quotes)
I would spend my nights at home but if it means contention. I’d rather be alone tell the service man cut the phones. (Contention Quotes)
Blessed are the peacemakers, and one sure way of peacemaking is to let the fire of contention alone. Neither fan it, nor stir it, nor add fuel to it, but let it go out by itself. Begin your ministry with one blind eye and one deaf ear (Contention Quotes)
If there was strife and contention in the home, very little else in life could compensate for it (Contention Quotes)
Meteorology has ever been an apple of contention, as if the violent commotions of the atmosphere induced a sympathetic effect on the minds of those who have attempted to study them (Contention Quotes)
It is as hard a thing to maintain a sound understanding, a tender conscience, a lively, gracious, heavenly spirit, and an upright life in the midst of contention, as to keep your candle lighted in the greatest storms (Contention Quotes)
It’s our contention that equity may be in the money, depending on where the liabilities lie (Contention Quotes)
It is my contention that a really great novel is made with a knife and not a pen. A novelist must have the intestinal fortitude to cut out even the most brilliant passage so long as it doesn’t advance the story (Contention Quotes)
Contention, especially violence, is not the way to deal with our problems. Unfortunately, television, videos, movies, and electronic games teach otherwise. Even cartoons and many children’s programs depict violence in amusing ways, suggesting that no one really gets hurt and that any disagreement can be solved by a karate kick or the use of some weapon (Contention Quotes)
They set great store by their gardens... Their studie and deligence herein commeth not only of pleasure, but also of a certain strife and contention... concerning the trimming, husbanding, and furnishing of their gardens; everye man or his owne parte (Contention Quotes)
In order to avoid contention, never contradict anyone, except in case of sin or some danger to a neighbor; and when necessary to contradict others, and to oppose your opinion to theirs, do it with so much mildness and tact, as not to appear to do violence to their mind, for nothing is ever gained by taking up things with excessive warmth and hastiness (Contention Quotes)
My wife and I lived all alone, contention was our only bone. I fought with her, she fought with me, and things went on right merrily. But now I live here by myself with hardly a damn thing on the shelf, and pass my days with little cheer since I have parted from my dear (Contention Quotes)
It is my contention that an agent ideal to the use of the scientific militarist, for both the air raid and the long distance bombardment is now in the process of development; that its eventual perfection is but a matter of time; and its use in warfare is certain to occur. I refer to the rocket. The perfection of the rocket in my opinion will give to future warfare the horror unknown in previous conflicts and will make possible destruction of nations, in a cool, passionless and scientific fashion (Contention Quotes)
Contention is inseparable from creating knowledge. It is not contention we should try to avoid, but discourses that attempt to suppress contention (Contention Quotes)
Over the first three rounds you’re playing the course. In the final round, if you’re in contention, you’re playing the man (Contention Quotes)
We are on top at the moment but not because of the club's financial power. We are in contention for a lot of trophies because of my hard work (Contention Quotes)
Contention, like a horse, full of high feeding, madly hath broke loose, and bears down all before him (Contention Quotes)
I don't think nationalism is alone holding the field; it's in contention with a lot of different things (Contention Quotes)
It is my contention that civil disobediences are nothing but the latest form of voluntary association, and that they are thus quite in tune with the oldest traditions of the country (Contention Quotes)
Who ever keeps an open ear For tattlers, will be sure to hear the trumpet of contention; aspersion is the babbler's trade, to listen is to lend him aid, and rush into dissension (Contention Quotes)
Dogmas of every kind put assertion in the place of reason and give rise to more contention, bitterness, and want of charity than any other influence in human affairs (Contention Quotes)
The contention that a standing army and navy is the best security of peace is about as logical as the claim that the most peaceful citizen is he who goes about heavily armed (Contention Quotes)
I’ve had a lot of majors where I didn’t play well until the last round. Keep yourself in contention; that’s the name of the game. I usually ended up shooting a good round and all of a sudden, somehow, I won (Contention Quotes)
When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts (Contention Quotes)
Much contention and strife will arise in that house where the wife shall get up dissatisfied with her husband (Contention Quotes)
Great causes are never tried on their merits; but the cause is reduced to particulars to suit the size of the partizans, and the contention is ever hottest on minor matters (Contention Quotes)
The twentieth century provides little or no evidence in any corner of the globe to support the contention that religion causes most human conflict (Contention Quotes)