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Contention Quotes

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I am tired of a life of contention, and of being the personal object for the hatred of every man, who hates the present state of things  (Contention Quotes) It is my contention that the process of reading is part of the process of writing, the necessary completion without which writing can hardly be said to exist  (Contention Quotes) Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention  (Contention Quotes) I’m getting more and more comfortable out on the golf course with the changes I’ve been making. It’s really just a confidence thing in that I love being in contention  (Contention Quotes) In truth, the legitimate contention is, not of one age or school of literary art against another, but of all successive schools alike, against the stupidity which is dead to the substance, and the vulgarity which is dead to form  (Contention Quotes) Your denomination is not defined by a style. So don’t let style become a point of contention  (Contention Quotes) My market value increases with every outside critisism. Therefore, the frequently raised contention that I am the most highly critisized mountaineer does not disturb me in the slightest  (Contention Quotes) Will a guaranteed annual wage kill incentive among the poor? If a man is given a certain amount of security, won’t he quit working? Exactly the same contention could be made about the sons of the wealthy who are left large fortunes. Yet the evidence suggests that, given economic freedom, people will generally choose to do that which interests them most. It is up to society to see that these interests are widened and that too requires investment  (Contention Quotes) It is my contention that no other invention of man has brought greater chaos to humanity than the practice of religion  (Contention Quotes) My contention is, first, that we should want more from our educational efforts than adequate academic achievement and, second, that we will not achieve even that meager success unless our children believe that they themselves are cared for and learn to care for others  (Contention Quotes)
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