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Contextual Quotes

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Mediocrity is contextual  (Contextual Quotes) The contextual age means we’re going to have to go to war on noise  (Contextual Quotes) Each feminist work has tended to be received as if it emerged from nowhere; as if each one of us had lived, thought, and worked without any historical past or contextual present. This is one of the ways in which women’s work and thinking has been made to seem sporadic, errant, orphaned of any tradition of its own  (Contextual Quotes) I think we need to draw a contextual distinction between what the neo-fascists of Europe would like to do and what the state of Israel has done  (Contextual Quotes) The geometry reveals five development direction for applications (each with endless possibilities); dividing, dwelling, trestle, fenestration and artistic installation. I find these enabled designs so reflective of an ever-changing world where contextual factors and technological resources are shifting definitions of architecture, design, and the traditional boundaries between disciplines  (Contextual Quotes) Before 2000, everything was about being contextual, and buildings were supposed to be good citizens.  (Contextual Quotes)