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From an early age I was told that I was expected to do more than continue to run a small business. Education was important and seen as a way of moving forward  (Continue Quotes) We can continue to try and clean up the gutters all over the world and spend all of our resources looking at just the dirty spots and trying to make them clean. Or we can lift our eyes up and look into the skies and move forward in an evolutionary way  (Continue Quotes) We don’t have sources who are dissidents on other sources. Should they come forward, that would be a tricky situation for us. But we’re presumably acting in such a way that people feel morally compelled to continue our mission, not to screw it up  (Continue Quotes) I’ll continue to work to ensure that safety and I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the men and women who provide public safety in our city  (Continue Quotes) We have established a new basis in our country in which economic liberalization would continue to flourish alongside democratic forces and deregulated power structure  (Continue Quotes) To say that most of us today are purely expansive is only another way of saying that most of us continue to be more concerned with the quantity than with the quality of our democracy  (Continue Quotes) My movies continue to be found and be sold because there’s something going on in them  (Continue Quotes) All companies of any size have to continue to push to make sure you get the right leaders, the right team, the right people to be fast acting, and fast moving in the marketplace. We’ve got great leaders, and we continue to attract and promote great new leaders  (Continue Quotes) My concern is to continue respecting my work as I’ve done since I began as an actor and I could only do that if I’m strong enough to keep on doing what I think best in an artistic way  (Continue Quotes) With the increased cost of gasoline, it doesn’t appear that we’re going to see a slowing of interest in mass transit. I think it’s going to continue to grow  (Continue Quotes) Those who sit at the feast will continue to enjoy themselves even though the veil that separates them from the world of toiling reality below has been lifted by mass revolts and critics  (Continue Quotes) We will ensure that associates continue to possess unsurpassed product knowledge and maintain their dedication to customer service and respect for their colleagues and for the communities in which they work and live  (Continue Quotes) We can continue to make significant strides in the scientific community by exploring new stem cell research methods that do not include destroying human embryos  (Continue Quotes) I am interested in the study of music and the discipline of music and the experience of music and music as a esoteric mechanism to continue my real intentions  (Continue Quotes) For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we are grateful that such men and women were among us. For those who continue to serve, we honor their commitment. For those who return to civilian life, we honor their service  (Continue Quotes) The only way you can continue to make artistic films is to make an occasional one of those. They kind of keep your marketability going to the extent that people will employ you  (Continue Quotes) I’ve always thought of myself as more of a character actress. I’ve tried to do different things, but I’ve always been under the radar and that’s how I like it. I’ve been really blessed to work this long and I just hope I continue to get better and better and better and better  (Continue Quotes) I live my life day by day, and that’s how I continue to live it  (Continue Quotes) But, as we’ve seen over the last several months, the people in this country are very dissatisfied with the direction that this administration is taking this country. And what we heard last night was absolutely the ignoring of that fact. It was: We’re going to continue with this agenda. In fact, we’re going to double down on healthcare  (Continue Quotes) What the president announced yesterday, is that somehow magically, if we just continue to prime the pump of taxpayer dollars, we’re going to see magically an economic recovery  (Continue Quotes) I never want to pick an easy song. I want to continue to challenge myself vocally  (Continue Quotes) The backbone of our nation’s domestic defense against terrorist attacks will continue to be the men and women in local law enforcement and emergency services  (Continue Quotes) Slow and steady wins the race. I feel like I know in my bones if we’re doing a good job and continue to do a good job, the ratings will come  (Continue Quotes) We can either allow our youth to shoot baskets or watch them continue to shoot people  (Continue Quotes) I sound the same regardless if I’m 20 pounds heavier or 20 pounds light, and I think that’s the key thing with my fans and why they continue to be loyal because I’m that type of person  (Continue Quotes) We continue to be exasperated by the view, apparently gaining momentum in certain circles, that armed robbery is okay as long as nobody gets hurt! The proper solution to armed robbery is a dead robber, on the scene  (Continue Quotes) There’s accountability in the mutual fund industry. And they’ve been tremendous engines of wealth for people and they’re going to continue to be so  (Continue Quotes) I’ll continue to fight for school choice and home schooling. Do I believe in accountability? You bet I do  (Continue Quotes) The unions may continue to decline, but if they do, it’ll be their fault  (Continue Quotes) I do not expect that homeopathy will ever be established as a legitimate form of treatment, but I do expect that it will continue to be popular  (Continue Quotes)
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