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The more successful enterprises are the more they try to replicate, duplicate, codify what makes us great. And suddenly they’re inward thinking. They’re thinking how can we continue to do what we’ve done in the past without understanding that what made them successful is to take risks, to change and to adapt and to be responsive. And so in a sense success breeds its own failure. And I think it’s true of a lot of successful businesses  (Continue Quotes) If you plan on continuing a tradition, it might be a good idea to find out just what tradition it is that you intend to continue  (Continue Quotes) Love is like an eternal flame, once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time  (Continue Quotes) Woman’s bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is one of the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone. Not only is she a thing, but just one part of that thing is focused on  (Continue Quotes) If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying. But no man can tell another what this purpose is. Each must find out for himself, and must accept the responsibility that his answer prescribes. If he succeeds he will continue to grow in spite of all indignities  (Continue Quotes) ... to continue to be one of the world centres for scientific research, we have to stand up and be counted in support of researchers, go on marches and demonstrations, and back even tougher action by the police and the courts against these terrorists  (Continue Quotes) Animal research has lead to advances in the treatment of many conditions... Where there is no alternative available, we will continue to ensure that the balance between animal welfare and scientific advancement is maintained  (Continue Quotes) Until suitable alternatives are found, this vital work should continue so that hundreds of millions more lives can be saved in the future  (Continue Quotes) May the trees continue to thrive and flourish on this earth, filling our hearts with joy and inspiration  (Continue Quotes) Sometimes as a man, you fear what you can’t see. Nobody can predict the future. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Tomorrow’s not promised. The only thing you can do is live your life, hope for the best, continue to have faith, believe in yourself  (Continue Quotes) I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly  (Continue Quotes) Hopefully, I can continue to do anything I want. I just want to do things that I’m passionate about in this life  (Continue Quotes) You can hurt more than you ever thought possible, then continue until you discover that hurting isn’t that big a deal  (Continue Quotes) Even one’s yesterdays could not continue to stir and move in a man’s mind unless there were a future for those yesterdays to make  (Continue Quotes) So many people around the world have used nonviolence as a way to resolve a conflict that they faced in their lives. And they continue to use it everywhere all over the world there. And I think, in a way, nonviolence is our nature. Violence is not really our nature. If violence was our nature, we wouldn’t need military academies and martial arts institutes to teach us how to kill and destroy people. We ought to have been born with those instincts. But the fact that we have to learn the art of killing means that it’s a learned experience. And we can always unlearn it  (Continue Quotes) It may be that for a long time some nations will continue to fight each other, but the example of those nations who prefer arbitration to war, law courts to the battlefield, must sooner or later influence the belligerent powers and make war as unpopular as pugilism is now  (Continue Quotes) We cannot be effective if we continue to cling to the old ways, the old strategies, the old assumptions  (Continue Quotes) I feel very sorry for women who continue to purchase real fur coats. They are lacking in a woman’s most important requisites, heart and sensitivity  (Continue Quotes) I still can’t believe that some pseudocritics continue to accuse me of having murdered tango. They have it backward. They should look at me as the saviour of tango. I performed plastic surgery on it  (Continue Quotes) There are some historians who say that democratic republics don’t last more than 200 years. Well, weve got to show that you can last more than 200 years. Weve got to continue to sustain the system, and the only way you can do it is by sustaining the constitution and by confronting lies face to face, head on, aggressively  (Continue Quotes) To know that I continue to touch the lives of so many brides is a very special feeling  (Continue Quotes) I am ashamed of a human race that can continue to allow the sordid ambitions of politicized groups who genuinely feel that right is on their side, and can therefore instigate such atrocities in the name of their own sense of right and wrong  (Continue Quotes) Both dance and dream are brought into being by the consciousness of a moment. They can never be repeated or successfully imitated. But you can dance and dream again. You must, if life is to continue  (Continue Quotes) Our lives will only ever always continue to be a balancing act, that has less to do with pain and more to do with beauty  (Continue Quotes) You could remove the powerful preaching from our church and it would still continue. You could remove the administration of pastoral care through the cell group system and the church would still continue. But if you remove the prayer life of our church it would collapse  (Continue Quotes) I may well do some more polemical writing, if a subject that fires me up comes along. Apart from that possibility, I would like to continue to tell stories so long as I have stories to tell  (Continue Quotes) Unlike a lot of other game companies that, once they launch a game, downsize their teams radically, our plan is to keep the team together and continue to focus on building content  (Continue Quotes) The principles of successful stock speculation are based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past  (Continue Quotes) I am expecting that consumers are going to continue and exert power and influence. The idea of radical transparency is something that few brands are taking advantage of now, and most brands fight it. I’d say that in 10 years the best brands won’t be those with the best stories, sort of made up fictional stories, but those that will give an accurate and real time picture of what they are doing in the interest of the consumer, in any given time  (Continue Quotes) I really just want to encourage and inspire people to use their freedom in a positive way and in a way that is inspiring to other people. I want to continue to pass down the seeds of change within the world. I think that it can start with just one person. Just like a rumor can get carried on, so can inspiration  (Continue Quotes)
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