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I think the sentiment has not entirely shifted away from the belief that technology will continue to do well. But the believers are getting more and more worried about their beliefs  (Continue Quotes) Poetry and painting continue to be companions: they cast their shadow and light, their silences and tones, at the edges of each other  (Continue Quotes) Going on the ship felt like 100 years or one day. Timeless. Beautiful vertigo. It will continue to show up in my work  (Continue Quotes) As best as can be determined, the world is now warmer than it has been at any point in the last two millennia, and, if current trends continue, by the end of the century it will likely be hotter than at any point in the last two million years  (Continue Quotes) An enigma? That’s not a bad persona to have. I should probably shut up and let the mystery continue! It’s good for my career  (Continue Quotes) I think some guys have the ability to learn from themselves and get better. Those are the guys that last a long time and continue to improve in this league and in sports in general  (Continue Quotes) I have a lot of interests in global issues, as you know, humanity, inequity, arms control, and I continue to be active on all these issues  (Continue Quotes) As gas prices continue to drop, 28 states are now selling regular gasoline for less than $2 a gallon. It’s getting cheaper to pump two gallons of gas outside the station than it is to pump two squirts of nacho cheese inside  (Continue Quotes) I teach meditation and the pathway to enlightenment because I know that there are other people who, like I did a long time ago and continue to, want to climb that mountain to the highest light  (Continue Quotes) It is the teacher’s job to point out mistakes so that an individual doesn’t continue to hurt themselves or others  (Continue Quotes) I consider those persons to be my students who come and meditate with me on a regular basis, who, in spite of the hardships and difficulties on the path of knowledge, still continue to try, and who respect me as I respect them  (Continue Quotes) I just try to be myself and not conform to something I’m not and just continue doing what I do. I just try not to think about the fact that I’m an inspiration for people  (Continue Quotes) A painting can’t be everything. You have to stop, at some point. It has to be finished, if you want anyone to see it. Some people just continue to work on things, forever. I don’t know which is better  (Continue Quotes) Any idea that turns out to be truly great can be harvested for tens of years. On the other hand, if you want to continue to be great, you’ve got to bet on new things, big, bold bets  (Continue Quotes) I think you can just go out and try to be the best you can be, deal with people with respect, with honesty, with integrity, have a high moral standard. I’ve always really tried to exemplify that as an athlete. I’ll continue to try to do that  (Continue Quotes) I’ve been fortunate to meet and work with a lot of really smart people. The thing that strikes me most about them is how they continue to explore and learn every day. I have tried to apply that approach in my modest career as well  (Continue Quotes) Freedom, peace, and inner joy will continue to elude us until we become aware of our real truth, without hiding ourselves or being ashamed of what we are  (Continue Quotes) I love my fans very much. They give me the confidence to continue things in life  (Continue Quotes) Just because society has done things the same way for many years, that’s no reason to continue doing them. Women will be the harbingers of retirement transformations going forward and will be more creative and humanistic in the process  (Continue Quotes) I love acting and will take all the time to continue to act. But sometimes I’d like to try my hand at directing  (Continue Quotes) I will continue to speak in defense of freedom until the day I die. It’s just that simple. It’s not even a choice. It’s a calling  (Continue Quotes) You continue to build and work on new things, and continue to beat offensive linemen, week in and week out  (Continue Quotes) My father... very generous, very philanthropic, very charitable man. My siblings and I and my mother continue with always appreciating and always giving back. It’s something I hope that I’ve become a role model for my children  (Continue Quotes) Learning is not a product of teaching. kids are born learning. They learn how to walk, how to talk. They’re basically little scientists. If we don’t stop that process, it will continue  (Continue Quotes) Bitcoins are not an investment. They are an investment fad that someday could be a real digital currency, but if they continue to behave as they have, they will instead be nothing  (Continue Quotes) Laws will not eliminate prejudice from the hearts of human beings. But that is no reason to allow prejudice to continue to be enshrined in our laws to perpetuate injustice through inaction  (Continue Quotes) We who are alive at this moment are only an infinitesimal part of something that has existed for eternity and will continue when there is no longer anything to show that earth existed. Still, we must feel and believe that we are all  (Continue Quotes) Tidiness... makes life easier and more agreeable, does harm to no one and actually saves time and trouble to the person who practices it: there must be an ominous flaw to explain why millions of generations continue to reject it  (Continue Quotes) I’ve never felt that fear is my enemy. Fear is my friend. It offers me a chance to stay alert, keep growing, continue creating something new. If you don’t take that sort of risk, you learn nothing  (Continue Quotes) Habits of thought persist through the centuries; and while a healthy brain may reject the doctrine it no longer believes, it will continue to feel the same sentiments formerly associated with that doctrine  (Continue Quotes)
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