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It is the most important contribution we can make to speeding up reunification  (Contribution Quotes) I like to think of it less as embezzling and more as an involuntary goodwill contribution  (Contribution Quotes) There are some amazing stories from all over this country, where people’s work and contribution has been acknowledged. To be part of that is an absolutely fantastic feeling  (Contribution Quotes) I’m an artist. And I’m happy that I was there at the commencement of this music, this Jamaican music, to put my contribution and help to establish it  (Contribution Quotes) He made an enormous contribution to British politics in opposition and in government [on Robin Cook]  (Contribution Quotes) The meaning of self-esteem is to feel lovable and capable. As parents, we must love our children unconditionally and give them a sense of being nurtured. That’s the lovable part. Then, we must provide structure - rules, boundaries, daily or weekly household tasks that give them a sense they are making a contribution. That’s what helps kids grow up feeling capable  (Contribution Quotes) The fact is, as actors, everything we do, bad or good, is a contribution. To me, it is a positive thing to give people as wide a range of human behavior with some sense of understanding of that behavior or some clue to it  (Contribution Quotes) All the bullets and all the bombs that explode all over the world won’t leave the impact, when all is said and done, of a dollar bill dropped in the Jimmy Fund pot by a warm heart and a willing hand. You should be proud and happy to know that your contribution will someday help some kid to a better life  (Contribution Quotes) In France, it is television that pays for films to be made and I received all of my funding from TV: two television channels, government funding and distributor contribution (Wild Bunch). My films are low-budget, and not expensive [to make]  (Contribution Quotes) For me, success is when I’m making a contribution and fully engaging all of my talents. In terms of the key quality, it’s being willing to continue to believe in yourself even when other people don’t, and being able to fail and to come back  (Contribution Quotes) The contribution of Islam to history and modern civilization is the product of the efforts of peoples of many races and tongues which came to accept its way of life  (Contribution Quotes) Our contribution purely depends on our consciousness and our willingness to support those in need, to show vulnerability and accept the support of others, to share without expecting the credit, to give it our all and allow our hard work to decide the outcome, to understand that control can only be achieved with a shared responsibility  (Contribution Quotes) The key to a great life lies in shifting your focus from accumulation to contribution. The old saying He who gathers the most toys wins needs to be replaced with He who serves the most prospers. Remember, happiness is the by-product of a life spent adding value to other people’s lives.  (Contribution Quotes) I believe that investing in our children’s development from the earliest age is the single most important contribution we can make to the health and wellbeing of our citizens, their capacity and the future prosperity of our state.  (Contribution Quotes) I love Black Sabbath. They made an amazing contribution to music today. Almost every band that made it big in the Nineties owed a debt to them  (Contribution Quotes) America’s greatest contribution to the world is its concept of democracy, its concept of freedom, freedom of action, freedom of speech, and freedom of thought.  (Contribution Quotes) We have to program the mind of the public that age is not ugly. Age is just age. Wake up, American children, and stop listening to other people’s voices. Know yourself, be true to yourself and make a contribution. It took me half my life to know myself. I listened to other people’s opinions and took them as gospel.  (Contribution Quotes) I have a slightly bad back, which has made an enormous contribution to American literature  (Contribution Quotes) The American Revolution was a small part of a major world war going on between France and England, so the French intervened and that was a big factor, but the domestic contribution was basically guerrilla warfare.  (Contribution Quotes) The place one’s in, though, doesn’t make any contribution to peace of mind: it’s the spirit that makes everything agreeable to oneself.  (Contribution Quotes) Art is a universal language and through it each nation makes its own unique contribution to the culture of mankind.  (Contribution Quotes) I like the idea of multidisciplinary conversations, so in that spirit, I try and make a contribution from the art world into the music world.  (Contribution Quotes) We in the Negro leagues felt like we were contributing something to baseball, too, when we were playing. We played with a round ball, and we played with a round bat. And we wore baseball uniforms, and we thought that we were making a contribution to baseball. We loved the game, and we liked to play it.  (Contribution Quotes) But what is more, if we have succeeded in adding to the basic understanding of our universe and ourselves, we will have made a contribution to the totality of human culture.  (Contribution Quotes) Your rewards will be determined by the extent of your contribution, that is your service to others  (Contribution Quotes) What is it to enjoy life? Sit at the beach? No. What it is is that you have to do something, you have be productive, make a contribution to the society, to the family, to yourself.  (Contribution Quotes) [John Adams] always felt that his contribution to bringing about independence went unappreciated, especially after the 1790s when [Tomas] Jefferson began to be lauded as the author of the Declaration of Independence.  (Contribution Quotes) Use visual cues to prompt yourself to put away more. A photograph of the beach house where you and your husband can envision spending your retirement will remind you to bump up the contribution to your 401(k); a snapshot of your child in a college sweatshirt can encourage you to put more into a 529 college savings plan.  (Contribution Quotes) My contribution I hope is to get people to eat full-flavored food. If I could come away with that alone, that would be a fantastic accomplishment. I’m also very proud of being a very American chef.  (Contribution Quotes) I don’t believe you can find any evidence of the fact that I have changed government policy solely because of a contribution.  (Contribution Quotes)
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