Control Quotes

Text Quotes
We cannot control the evil tongues of others; but a good life enables us to disregard them (Control Quotes)
The secret of all success is to know how to deny yourself. Prove that you can control yourself, and you are an educated man; and without this all other education is good for nothing (Control Quotes)
Life was mostly made up of things you couldn’t control, full of surprises, and they weren’t always good. Life wasn’t what you made it. You were what life made you (Control Quotes)
All observers not laboring under hallucinations of the senses are agreed, or can be made to agree, about facts of sensible experience, through evidence toward which the intellect is merely passive, and over which the individual will and character have no control (Control Quotes)
The fact that people still know us is, in my opinion, a result of our music and of the big money that runs the music industry today. The people who control the industry are accountants who recycle everything in new, nostalgic packages, and everything else, to make more money (Control Quotes)
Under the big political umbrella, a man is just like a leaf in the ocean, with no control of his destiny and does not have any choice (Control Quotes)
Music can be so disturbing and frustrating. I mean the business side of it. The actual making music part is fun, but the business side of it is just so out of control, has nothing to do with anything (Control Quotes)
I’m glad I don’t have to make a living farming. Too much hard work. Too many variables you don’t have control over, like, is it going to rain? All I can say is, God bless the real farmers out there (Control Quotes)
If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it (Control Quotes)
There can be no permanent progress in the battle against hunger until the agencies that fight for increased food production and those that fight for population control unite in a common effort (Control Quotes)
It’s not like I let people do things for me, so I guess you can call me a control freak, or you can call me passionate (Control Quotes)
It is hard to fight desire; but to control it is the sign of a reasonable man (Control Quotes)
I actually didn’t want to have control of the writing on my first album. To write, you have to have time to connect with yourself. I don’t have that time right now, because I’m so busy (Control Quotes)
There are people who are excitable by nature and allow themselves to become angry for the most trivial of reasons. Judo can help such people learn to control themselves. Through training, they quickly realize that anger is a waste of energy, that it has only negative effects on the self and others (Control Quotes)
There is no dealing with great sorrow as if it were under the control of our wills. It is a terrible phenomenon, whose laws we must study, and to whose conditions we must submit, if we would mitigate it (Control Quotes)
My position and the state will never allow me to become a dictator, but an authoritarian style of rule is characteristic of me, and I have always admitted it. You need to control the country, and the main thing is not to ruin people’s lives (Control Quotes)
What they sell to the masses are the chains you must break if you are ever to be in control of your life (Control Quotes)
Most teachers have little control over school policy or curriculum or choice of texts or special placement of students, but most have a great deal of autonomy inside the classroom. To a degree shared by only a few other occupations, such as police work, public education rests precariously on the skill and virtue of the people at the bottom of the institutional pyramid (Control Quotes)
The moment a man claims a right to control the will of a fellow being by physical force, he is at heart a slaveholder (Control Quotes)
Every step by which men add to their knowledge and skills is a step also by which they can control other men (Control Quotes)
Attraction eludes control so stubbornly that whole societies designed to organize relationships among people cannot keep order, not even when they bind people to one another from childhood and raise them together (Control Quotes)
The second thing to be striven for is intuition. This sounds an impossibility, for who can control that small quiet monitor? But intuition is only interference from experience stored and not actively recalled (Control Quotes)
One has to multiply thoughts to the point where there aren’t enough policemen to control them (Control Quotes)
The human mind is indeed a cave swarming with strange forms of life, most of them unconscious and unilluminated. Unless we can understand something as to how the motives that issue from this obscurity are generated, we can hardly hope to foresee or control them (Control Quotes)
Anger, even when it punishes the faults of delinquents, ought not to precede reason as its mistress, but attend as a handmaid at the back of reason, to come to the front when bidden. For once it begins to take control of the mind, it calls just what it does cruelly (Control Quotes)
Chess teaches you to control the initial excitement you feel when you see something that looks good and it trains you to think objectively when you’re in trouble (Control Quotes)
The mind never need stop growing. Indeed, one of the few experiences which never pall is the experience of watching one’s own mind and how it produces new interests, responds to new stimuli, and develops new thoughts, apparently without effort and almost independently of one’s own conscious control (Control Quotes)
There are some men who possess a quality which goes way beyond romantic or even sexual appeal, a quality which literally enslaves. It has very little to do with looks and nothing at all to do with youth, because there are some quite mature and unathletic specimens who have it. It’s an expression in the eyes, an aura of being in control, and responsible, or something easy and powerful in the stance, or who knows (Control Quotes)
When I think of work, it’s mostly about having control over your destiny, as opposed to being at the mercy of what’s out there (Control Quotes)
We often speak of love when we really should be speaking of the drive to dominate or to master, so as to confirm ourselves as active agents, in control of our own destinies and worthy of respect from others (Control Quotes)