Control Quotes

Text Quotes
Twenty seconds before a race, there’s absolute focus. The key thing is to achieve relaxation, but at the same to have absolute total control. You’ve got to find the balance between being totally ready to go and being really at peace with yourself as well (Control Quotes)
Understanding your dog and knowing how to control him, develop his potentials, and resolve behavior problems, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and respect (Control Quotes)
Modern medicine is not scientific, it is full of prejudice, illogic and susceptible to advertising. Doctors are not taught to reason, they are programmed to believe in whatever their medical schools teach them and the leading doctors tell them. Over the past 20 years the drug companies, with their enormous wealth, have taken medicine over and now control its research, what is taught and the information released to the public (Control Quotes)
Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity. I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million? (Control Quotes)
Because the state can no longer protect us from crime, it wants to take away from us the means of protecting ourselves. This is the logic of gun control (Control Quotes)
I’m not going to blame a referee for something I feel like I should be able to control. I should get up quicker. If you want to win fights, you just have to do it, regardless of what’s going on (Control Quotes)
Nothing beats novel writing because it’s complete expression of you. You just control everything. Not even a movie director has that level of control (Control Quotes)
I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face (Control Quotes)
To have control of my own mind... to go with dignity is less terryfying. When I look at both options I have to die, I feel this is far more humane (Control Quotes)
In my vast experience, I’ve found it always wiser to go along with female advice... First, you make them happy by doing what they tell you. That’s the main thing. Let them think they’re in control. They love it. Then, if it turns out they were right, everything’s cool. If it turns out they were wrong... then you have the pleasure of basking in the glow of superiority (Control Quotes)
I can’t control what people say or anything like that. I have to focus on what I can control and that’s what I’m going to do (Control Quotes)
The business of the endgame is maneuvring to control critical squares, advancing or blockading passed pawns, preparing a breakthrough by the king, or exploiting the subtle superiority of one piece over another (Control Quotes)
In the theatre, the actor is in total control. The director wasn’t in the house last night, the designer wasn’t there, the author’s dead. It’s just us and the audience (Control Quotes)
Response is what we have trained ourselves to be; it is a reflection of our manhood, character, ideals. We cannot always control our surface reactions, but we can sit at the helm of our lives and control our responses to the blows of life (Control Quotes)
... the globalization that characterizes today’s economics goes beyond or eludes the sovereignty of individual states, and thus the power of their rulers. It is not they, but rather financial groups in control of vast amounts of capital, who decide upon their vertiginous passage through nations, without taking into account the serious crises they might generate (Control Quotes)
Media companies, under the guise of piracy, are asking congress to give them more control over fair use. Hollywood wants to control innovation (Control Quotes)
The things you don’t have control over, you don’t worry about. I have control over my attitude, my perception, how I do things, and you do the very best job you can. Other people have control over other things and you let them do their jobs (Control Quotes)
Keep your exclamation points under control. You are allowed no more than two or three per 100,000 words of prose (Control Quotes)
The only motive that there ever was was to completely control a person; a person I found physically attractive. And keep them with me as long as possible, even if it meant just keeping a part of them (Control Quotes)
You need to control the country, and the main thing is not to ruin people’s lives (Control Quotes)
The question I try and ask myself when I consider whether or not to train more is what is my body craving and what is my body ready to absorb? Sometimes pushing harder is not the answer. It takes self control, confidence, and intuition to know when to train and when to rest, but when in question error on the side of being over rested (Control Quotes)
I am able to control only that which I am aware of. That which I am unaware of controls me. Awareness empowers me (Control Quotes)
We are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind (Control Quotes)
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it (Control Quotes)
Like some cult religion that barely survives, there has always been at least one but rarely more than five or six devotees throwing the knuckleball in the big leagues... Not only can’t pitchers control it, hitters can’t hit it, catchers can’t catch it, coaches can’t coach it and most pitchers can’t learn it. The perfect pitch (Control Quotes)
When you resort to shouting in conflict, you are reacting in the flesh. You have lost control of the only person you can control: yourself (Control Quotes)
Anyone else feel like that? Like your life’s a big act. Like you’re trying to be a man when you’re just a scared kid, trying to keep under control when you really want to scream, cry, or maybe hit someone. Ever feel like you’re breathing underwater and you have to stop because you’re gulping in too much fluid (Control Quotes)
Writers dream of sentences that sail through the waters of thought. We try to control their shape and size, and we struggle to let them glide, rather than thrash at sea (Control Quotes)
When we lack integrity, we use power to control. When we lead with integrity, we use power to bless (Control Quotes)
The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist (Control Quotes)