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Control Quotes

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No more fatuous chimera has ever infested the brain than that you can control opinions by law or direct belief by statute, and no more pernicious sentiment ever tormented the heart than the barbarous desire to do so. The field of inquiry should remain open, and the right of debate must be regarded as a sacred right  (Control Quotes) Some changes we can control, but we find that many things are inseparably wired into the life we share in local, national, and global communities. For example, the healthy lifestyle you are determined to live and take to be a personal choice of which you have control, is heavily influenced and limited by the culture and industries of the communities you belong to  (Control Quotes) Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose  (Control Quotes) ... the cruel part is that, to let the play live, you have to surrender control and let your characters go. You have to let them stumble, fall into walls and be mute, let them drift and be lost. If you hold the reins too tight, they won’t spring to life  (Control Quotes) The writing is the springboard for your intuitive stuff and then you see, maybe a colour of what you want to achieve. Then you bring in the technique you’ve learnt. But when you’re on film, you’re not always in control of that. That’s what makes me believe in a kind of collective unconscious, a sort of experience you draw on  (Control Quotes) One of my main techniques for acting is I try to know almost nothing beyond the words that I have to say, because that’s my zone of control  (Control Quotes) Luxury is... to be able to take control of one’s life, health, and the pursuit of happiness in a way that is joyful  (Control Quotes) Success and excellence are not the same. Excellence grows within a person, is largely within that person’s control, and its meaning lasts. Success is measured externally, by comparison to others, is often outside our control, and is perishable  (Control Quotes) The pessimistic coach complains about the play. The optimistic coach expects it to change. The realistic coach adjusts what he can control  (Control Quotes) A part of control is learning to correct your own weaknesses. The person doesn’t live who was born with everything. Sometimes he has one weak point, generally he has several. The first thing is to know your faults. And then take on a systematic plan of correcting them. You know the old saying about a chain only being as strong as its weakest link. The same can be said in the chain of skills a man forges  (Control Quotes) When I get a chance to power jump off both legs, I can lean, twist, change directions and decide whether to dunk the ball or pass it to an open man. In other words, I may be committed to the air, but I still have some control over it  (Control Quotes) There’s really just one thing I can control: my attitude during the journey, which is what keeps me feeling steady and stable, and what keeps me headed in the right direction. So I consciously monitor and correct, if necessary, because losing attitude would be far worse than not achieving my goal  (Control Quotes) You can’t control it once you turn it into the label, so there’s the expectation that it’ll leak a week before the album comes out. That’s the world we live in  (Control Quotes) I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer  (Control Quotes) Energy is something you can control, in everything you do, you’re going to face people more talented than you. I set myself apart by bringing more energy than they do  (Control Quotes) Plants don’t think. Animals are guided by the power of instinct over which they themselves have no control. Animals have a certain kind of brain that makes it impossible to learn anything except very simple things. No generation of animals ever learns anything from any previous generation. We act like animals when we fail to use this magnificent piece of equipment  (Control Quotes) The dioxin story is the story of how science has failed to provide us with answers, how corporations control policymaking and decisions in our society, and how government is silenced  (Control Quotes) People that were in my life for a long time turned sinister and tried to control me, and all kinds of weird stuff happened. But there was no conscience involved; that threw me more than anything  (Control Quotes) In our own time we have seen domination spread over the social landscape to a point where it is beyond all human control. Compared to this stupendous mobilization of materials, of wealth, of human intellect, of human labor for the single goal of domination, all other recent human achievements pale to almost trivial significance. Our art, science, medicine, literature, music and charitable acts seem like mere droppings from a table on which gory feasts on the spoils of conquest have engaged the attention of a system whose appetite for rule is utterly unrestrained  (Control Quotes) Letting go of the need to control things doesn’t mean letting go of responsibility. It means embracing life  (Control Quotes) I want less and less control with music. Just playing music without any idea of composition or writing  (Control Quotes) You can’t get angry just because you can’t control the world as you please  (Control Quotes) As with many other things, there is a surprising amount of prejudice against quality control, but the proof of the pudding is still in the eating  (Control Quotes) You work hard on a book and throw it out there and then it’s beyond your control  (Control Quotes) The photographer has almost as much control over his subject matter as a painter. He can control light and shade, form and space, pattern and texture, motion and mood, everything except composition  (Control Quotes) My biggest competition is always myself. I mean no disrespect, but I do not look at any of the guys as being my competition for the simple reason that I can’t control how they’re going to look. I can only control how I look  (Control Quotes) Managing life from our mental control towers, we have separated ourselves from our bodies and hearts  (Control Quotes) When you have the courage to tell the truth about what you’re really afraid of, fear doesn’t have control over your life  (Control Quotes) A singular fact about modern war is that it takes charge. Once begun it has to be carried to its conclusion, and carrying it there sets in motion events that may be beyond men’s control. Doing what has to be done to win, men perform acts that alter the very soil in which society’s roots are nourished  (Control Quotes) There are two powers only which are sufficient to control men, and secure the rights of individuals and a peaceable administration; these are the combined force of religion and law, and the force or fear of the bayonet  (Control Quotes)
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