Control Quotes

Text Quotes
Anger is a valid emotion. It’s only bad when it takes control and makes you do things you don’t want to do (Control Quotes)
You’ll tell yourself anything you have to, to pretend that you’re still the one in control (Control Quotes)
What were good and evil, really, but stupid categories? Stupid categories that restricted people and punished or rewarded them based on how they responded to their own natures, natures they really didn’t have any way to control (Control Quotes)
Falling in love with someone is the surest highway to hurt that I know. When the door to love opens, the window to control closes (Control Quotes)
Within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another (Control Quotes)
I’ve never done acid, finding it hard to go willingly to a place that could be frightening, hellish, and totally beyond my control. A place much like high school (Control Quotes)
People who try to control situations all the time are afraid that if they don’t, nothing will work out the way they want (Control Quotes)
The more you try to crush your true nature, the more it will control you. Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop (Control Quotes)
When I cannot bear outer pressures anymore, I begin to put order in my belongings... As if unable to organize and control my life, I seek to exert this on the world of objects (Control Quotes)
Our lives carry us along in ways we cannot control, and almost nothing stays with us. It dies when we do, and death is something that happens to us every day (Control Quotes)
If it’s a story I’m telling, then I have control over the ending... But if it’s a story, even in my head, I must be telling it to someone. You don’t tell a story only to yourself. There’s always someone else. Even when there is no one (Control Quotes)
As a magician, you must think about chaos and order. Those are the two forces that control the universe (Control Quotes)
I don’t know. She was a sweet girl. As sweet as they come. I don’t know why I didn’t love her. It’s something you can’t really control (Control Quotes)
If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe (Control Quotes)
... She’d gone past interest, swung into attraction, burst through lust, tripped over affection, and was now skidding out of control into love (Control Quotes)
She stared at him in that vapid, intoxicated way employed only by women under a vamp’s control. Or the way I sometimes got when faced with cupcakes. Mmm. Cupcakes (Control Quotes)
Control was just wishful thinking, and you controlled things to hedge your bets, to be safe, to guard against loss (Control Quotes)
The feeling of relinquishing responsibility to someone else, letting him take control, was a relief beyond words (Control Quotes)
I couldn’t escape him, now or ever. He’d always be there, consuming my every thought, my heart locked in his hands. I was drawn to him by forces I couldn’t control, let alone escape (Control Quotes)
Throughout the ordeal, I learned that getting mad was easier than being sad. Anger was something I could control. I could settle into an easy rhythm of blame and hate. Focus my energy on something than the ache in my heart (Control Quotes)
I assure you that there’s a lot involved in compositions with figures... It’s like weaving... you must control and keep an eye on several things at once (Control Quotes)
All those clean, fresh starts had made me forget what it was like, until now, to be messy and honest and out of control. To be real (Control Quotes)
Love the hair. Love when it’s out of control. It’s like seeing a side of you that needs to come out more often (Control Quotes)
I learned that what happened to me did not have to define who I was. My past could not control my future unless I allowed it to (Control Quotes)
Superstitions are man’s way of trying to control things he has no control over (Control Quotes)
There is nothing else for people to do. They do not think. They feel no passion, no hatred, no sadness; they feel nothing but fear, and a desire to control. So they watch, and poke, and pry (Control Quotes)
Finally getting control of myself, I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. Even now she was perfect (Control Quotes)
Do we have free will, or do the mass media and our culture control us, our desires and actions, from the moment we’re born? (Control Quotes)
Yes, you need a passport to prove to the world that you exist. The people at passport control, they cannot look at you and see you are a person. No! They have to look at a little photograph of you. Then they believe you exist (Control Quotes)
Sharpie? A mischievous smile spread across her face. I thought you said you couldn’t control your powers. Beginner’s luck (Control Quotes)