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Controlled Quotes

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Emotions come and go and can’t be controlled so there’s no reason to worry about them. That in the end, people should be judged by their actions since in the end it was actions that defined everyone.  (Controlled Quotes) There can be no compromise with war; it cannot be reformed or controlled; cannot be disciplined into decency or codified into common sense.  (Controlled Quotes) I’m worried about the future of computer operating systems, as they all seem to be sliding towards a more controlled experience, taking away much of what makes PC games so much fun.  (Controlled Quotes) To confront those fears, in a controlled environment, where there’s 300 people around you going through the same thing, it’s this weird sort of yin and yang.  (Controlled Quotes) The right of liberty is God-given and immortal. It cannot be regulated. Or controlled. It cannot be banned. And it must not be restricted.  (Controlled Quotes) Let the wise one control his thoughts, for they are difficult to perceive, often elusive, and they rush about frantically: a mind well controlled achieves peace and happiness.  (Controlled Quotes) In a cricket career, your life is in some ways controlled for you. You have no control over schedules, you have no control about where you want to play, you don’t have control over that as a cricketer.  (Controlled Quotes) New mothers should enjoy every phase of motherhood without caring about the world. Weight can be checked and controlled. Don’t lose your head and mind over it.  (Controlled Quotes) I’m careful, controlled, bodily conservative: if someone offered me a pill I’d only ever take a half.  (Controlled Quotes) The remix culture became very much controlled by the corporate world, it’s a marketing tool mostly, to create mixes for different genres. So it’s very soul-less in a way.  (Controlled Quotes) Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters - all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing.  (Controlled Quotes) The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off; it’s with you all the time.  (Controlled Quotes) The thought for a long time was that banks needed to be too controlled, too regulated to be turned over to the Wild West of the Net. Then the credit meltdown hit, and we saw just how reckless these so-called safe and regulated institutions were.  (Controlled Quotes) In contrast to what the women have been told (that they are dumb and ugly) and how they have been controlled with confined strictures, the dance class is a safe place in which the women have choices and can improve their self-concept.  (Controlled Quotes) My other work, teaching, also is satisfying because I can be with people but in controlled circumstances, which aren’t as likely to yield the pain of dealing with family.  (Controlled Quotes) I’ve come to a much more controlled idea about death and loss, but I don’t think it’s possible to come to that much more controlled idea until you’ve gone through the crazy part . . . I don’t mean that I’m controlled. I mean that I gave up the idea that I had control. That’s the new control.  (Controlled Quotes) Mikhail Saakashvili would do everything within his power to destroy me, first as a politician and then as a person. All government authorities, including the police, the military and the courts, are controlled by those in power.  (Controlled Quotes) Construct your determination with sustained effort, controlled attention, and concentrated energy. Opportunities never come to those who wait ... they are captured by those who dare to attack.  (Controlled Quotes) China’s Internet will continue to be policed and controlled, information filtered, sites prohibited, noncompliant search engines excluded, and sensitive search words disallowed. And where China goes, others, also informed by different values, are already and will follow.  (Controlled Quotes) Of course the thinking mind must sooner or later be controlled, developed, and supplied with the force of will for a break-through to non-thinking, a direct experience of non-duality. But at what stage?  (Controlled Quotes) Just think for how long humanity was controlled by mystical, magical thinking - the diseases and suffering that led to. We managed to survive, but just barely. It wasn’t pretty.  (Controlled Quotes) The day is not far off when we will be able to send a robotically controlled genome-sequencing unit in a probe to other planets to read the DNA sequence of any alien microbe life that may be there.  (Controlled Quotes) The economic freedom that made the U.S. economy the leader of the world has given way toa rigged, controlled, and regulated economy.  (Controlled Quotes) The whole idea of the suburbs was to create these family-friendly places where people could flock and have more control over their existences, and keep things very controlled and placid and keep outside forces at bay.  (Controlled Quotes) I knew from experience at the Negro Ensemble Company that it wasn’t until there was a place controlled by black artists... that Pulitzer Prize-winning work like ‘Ceremonies in Dark Old Men’ and ‘A Soldier’s Play’ came to fruition.  (Controlled Quotes) If a person’s mind is controlled by forces of revenge and jealousy, it cannot express love and sympathy. And even if they show love and sympathy to others it will yield no good result. The thought will not be reflected in love but in hate.  (Controlled Quotes) Like all other contracts, wages should be left to the fair and free competition of themarket, and should never be controlled by the interference of the legislature.  (Controlled Quotes) I wanted the players to feel like they were part of a family, to be conscious of that controlled togetherness as they made that slow entrance onto the field. It had a great psychological effect on the opposing team, too. They’d never seen anything like it.  (Controlled Quotes) Physical education for the body to be effective must be rigorous and detailed, far sighted and methodological. This will be translated into habits. These habits should be controlled and disciplined, while remaining flexible enough to adapt themselves to circumstances and to the needs of growth and development of the being.  (Controlled Quotes) I would love to have access to a company like Caterpillar. I would make all their stuff remote controlled and work ten times as fast.  (Controlled Quotes)
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