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Conventional Quotes

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The conventional wisdom is that if you are gay, you cannot play the romantic straight lead in a movie.  (Conventional Quotes) The censors have always had a field day with James Joyce, specifically with ‘Ulysses,’ but also with his other writings. The conventional wisdom is that this is because of sexually explicit passages (and there certainly are those). I have always thought that what the critics hated and feared about Joyce is his cry for human freedom.  (Conventional Quotes) Innovation for holders of conventional wisdom is not novelty but annihilation  (Conventional Quotes) I think in conventional magazine wisdom, you need to have a redesign every decade or so  (Conventional Quotes) Create a vision and never let the environment, other people’s beliefs, or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions. Ignore conventional wisdom.  (Conventional Quotes) The world is always changed by people who don’t listen to conventional wisdom. I think we often set our goals too small and try to accomplish them too quickly.  (Conventional Quotes) Conventional wisdom nor scientific, mathematical prove of randomness in life could do nothing to deter human’s curiosity for the unknown, however small the chance of a positive outcome maybe.  (Conventional Quotes) Highly successful leaders ignore conventional wisdom and take chances. Their stories inevitably include a defining moment or key decision when they took a significant risk and thereby experienced a breakthrough.  (Conventional Quotes) [T]he myth that there was somehow a magic wand in the early 1980s to cure AIDS - a wand that Reagan deliberately refused to wave - is now almost conventional wisdom.  (Conventional Quotes) The elderly have weathered enough squalls to know that this one, too, shall pass. They own the courage to be original; they’ve learned to hold their own values above the conventional wisdom.  (Conventional Quotes) Here’s conventional wisdom: Success makes you happy. Happiness permits you to be generous. In fact, it actually works like this: Generosity makes you happy. Happy people are more likely to be successful.  (Conventional Quotes) It is worth remembering one of the important lessons of the Buck story: a small number of zealous advocates can have an impact on the law that defies both science and conventional wisdom.  (Conventional Quotes) The conventional wisdom of fandom is that you must give your fans anything they want. But I’ve never felt that that’s a healthy attitude - and that comes from being a Star Wars fan.  (Conventional Quotes) We have been doing things that are contrary; the things that people tell us won’t work from the beginning. In fact, the only way to get ahead is to find errors in conventional wisdom.  (Conventional Quotes) The problem in our society is the ego psychology and conventional wisdom about look out for #1. That conventional wisdom thinks that love your enemy is to some a principle no one can ever live by.  (Conventional Quotes) My first encounter with video games was pretty conventional. I was travelling with my parents - we used to take long cross country trips in the United States every summer - and we went into a restaurant where there happened to be a Pong machine, and I was... a lot of quarters went into that Pong machine, let’s just say.  (Conventional Quotes) Part of the creative journey for me was not to come up the conventional route. I didn’t go through drama school. I chose not to. I came from a very working-class area, a child of Nigerian immigrants.  (Conventional Quotes) As the spiritual leader of six million people, the Dalai Lama can be credited with a significant renunciation of the authority of tradition - of the conventional politics of national self-interest as well as of religion.  (Conventional Quotes) The conventional definition of reality, and the idea of ‘normal life’, mean nothing  (Conventional Quotes) I’ve chosen films that are different compared to the conventional Bollywood films we all know and love.  (Conventional Quotes) I have no regrets at all. I have done quite well for myself. I didn’t have a conventional face, but I have done well, and I am proud of it.  (Conventional Quotes) I love informality. I hate dressing up. I hate to be conventional - and I hate every kind of snob.  (Conventional Quotes) Ramesh Ponnuru and others say Obama is a conventional liberal. But conventional liberals don’t come out for the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Conventional liberals don’t return the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office. Conventional liberals don’t block oil drilling in America while subsidizing oil drilling in Brazil.  (Conventional Quotes) When conventional tactics are altered unexpectedly according to the situation, they take on the element of surprise and increase in strategic value .  (Conventional Quotes) I think maybe even one of the reasons I became an actor was actually to hide. I mean, it sounds paradoxical because, of course, people are standing up in a public place and encouraging other people to look at them. So that’s not the conventional definition of hiding.  (Conventional Quotes) The apple which tempts my characters is the one that will remove the knowledge of good and evil. I suppose it’s something of a reversal of the conventional Eden story: Freedom of thought is perhaps the greatest good, and needs to be fought for and sacrificed for.  (Conventional Quotes) I was the daughter of an immigrant, raised to feel that I needed to get excellent, flawless grades and a full scholarship and a graduate degree and a good job - all the stepping stones to conventional success.  (Conventional Quotes) Our Christian faith is actually very subversive of the conventional notion of success - the notion that what invests a person with worth is something extrinsic.  (Conventional Quotes) I haven’t looked at marriage in the conventional sense, as far as settling down. I look at it as putting faith in another person, which has always been hard for me to do.  (Conventional Quotes) The spiritual ambiguity growing up made me really latch onto a faith - Protestantism - that was somewhat conventional. Everyone else was rebelling against traditions and institutions, whereas I was rebelling against the upheaval and uncertainty in my family.  (Conventional Quotes)
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