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Conveyor Quotes

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I traveled the globe as always, handing souls to the conveyor belt of eternity  (Conveyor Quotes) Prices are important not because money is considered paramount but because prices are a fast and effective conveyor of information through a vast society in which fragmented knowledge must be coordinated  (Conveyor Quotes) I’ve come to believe that beauty can be a very powerful conveyor of difficult ideas  (Conveyor Quotes) I watched the piles of feces go up the conveyor belt... They made their way through the machine... A few minutes later I took a long taste of the end result: a glass of delicious drinking water  (Conveyor Quotes) It’s totally produced now. It’s almost like a conveyor belt of what metal’s supposed to be like these days. It’s not music to me  (Conveyor Quotes) Baseball always gets credit for the foundational part of masculinity - the father thing. The eternal game of backyard catch, ‘Field of Dreams’, the Ripkens, the Griffeys, the Bondses, so on. But football is the real paternal game, because it’s a conveyor belt of father figures, in the form of coaches.  (Conveyor Quotes) I think that creative work, music in particular, is a conveyor of inner emotional life. I don’t feel one way all the time, so I don’t want my music to feel the same way all the time.  (Conveyor Quotes) It’s totally produced now. It’s almost like a conveyor belt of what metal’s supposed to be like these days. It’s not music to me.  (Conveyor Quotes)