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Copious Quotes

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His pen squeaking like a demented wren as he wrote copious notes  (Copious Quotes) With copious evidence ranging from Plato's haughtiness to Beethoven's tirades, we may conclude that the most brilliant people of history tend to be a prickly lot  (Copious Quotes) Let peace, descending from her native heaven, bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations; and plenty, in league with commerce, scatter blessings from her copious hand!  (Copious Quotes) Touch a university with hostile hands and the blood you draw is prompt, copious, and real  (Copious Quotes) When an attacker fails with one person, they often go to another person. The key is to report the attack to other departments. Workers should know to act like they are going along with what the hacker wants and take copious notes so the company will know what the hacker is trying to find  (Copious Quotes) A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker. The richer and more copious one’s vocabulary and the greater one’s awareness of fine distinctions and subtle nuances of meaning, the more fertile and precise is likely to be one’s thinking. Knowledge of things and knowledge of the words for them grow together. If you do not know the words, you can hardly know the thing  (Copious Quotes) Dancing is an excellent amusement for young people, especially for those of sedentary occupations. Its excellence consists in exciting a cheerfulness of the mind, highly essential to health; in bracing the muscles of the body, and in producing copious perspiration... The body must perspire, or must be out of order  (Copious Quotes) I could croak with no warning, and the only tragedy anyone would experience would be showing up on the last day of my estate sale simply to discover that all remaining items had copious amounts of dog hair on them  (Copious Quotes) Before redeye flights, I drink copious amounts of herbal brews to help me relax and fall asleep after takeoff  (Copious Quotes) The flowers of the apple are perhaps the most beautiful of any tree’s, so copious and so delicious to both sight and scent  (Copious Quotes) Copious springs are found where there are mines of gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, and the like, but they are very harmful  (Copious Quotes) The flowers of the apple are perhaps the most beautiful of any tree’s, so copious and so delicious to both sight and scent.  (Copious Quotes) The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity is of wonderful structure, more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin and more exquisitely refined than either.  (Copious Quotes) I only work out because I have high anxiety, and if I don’t I tend to... I say I’m like a border collie. If I don’t have something to expend my energy, I chew the furniture. So it just helps me level out so I don’t do copious amounts of drugs.  (Copious Quotes)