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Corpse Quotes

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If you’ve got a nice fresh corpse, fetch him out!  (Corpse Quotes) The corpse of friendship is not worth embalming  (Corpse Quotes) Thou art a little soul bearing about a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) A person without regrets is called a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Under each formula lies a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) He would make a lovely corpse  (Corpse Quotes) You are a little soul carrying around a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) A corpse is meat gone bad. Well and what’s cheese? Corpse of milk  (Corpse Quotes) I am nothing but a corpse now, a body at the bottom of a well  (Corpse Quotes) We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty  (Corpse Quotes) One corpse, extra crispy! Do I hear a thousand dollars?  (Corpse Quotes) No one would think he’d make such a beautiful corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Next to him lay his violin, trampled, an eerily poignant little corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) He makes a very handsome corpse and becomes his coffin prodigiously  (Corpse Quotes) Fine music without devotion is but a splendid garment upon a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Well and what’s cheese? Corpse of milk  (Corpse Quotes) I am glad to be a maggot in the corpse which is the world  (Corpse Quotes) You are a little soul, carrying a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Yes, I’m married, but I’m not a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) When a man has lost all happiness, he's not alive. Call him a breathing corpse  (Corpse Quotes) What is man but a little soul holding up a corpse?  (Corpse Quotes) One can’t carry one’s father’s corpse about everywhere  (Corpse Quotes) We cannot carry our father’s corpse with us everywhere we go  (Corpse Quotes) Nice jewelry and a boys corpse. Oh you’re so pretty  (Corpse Quotes) Your words are teeth. And they eat me alive. Feed on my corpse instead  (Corpse Quotes) Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse  (Corpse Quotes) Lighting does occasionally strike and occasional the result isn’t a corpse  (Corpse Quotes) I want to be a pretty corpse  (Corpse Quotes) He who protests is an enemy; he who opposes is a corpse  (Corpse Quotes)
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