Cost Control Quotes

Text Quotes
Legislative proposals that would enable an employer to determine whether or not a woman’s insurance would cover the cost of birth control strikes women as particularly bizarre. Is the boss going to take care of the children that are conceived accidentally? Stop treating us like children. Women are grown ups (Cost Control Quotes)
President Obama is also standing up for women in North Carolina and across our country. He has helped women fight for equal pay for equal work; he has fought to guarantee that women have access to quality, affordable health care, including making sure that insurance plans cover birth control with no out-of-pocket cost (Cost Control Quotes)
Cost overruns are not uncommon in architecture, particularly for designs that depart from structural or technological norms, or demand a finer quality of execution than commercial schemes - conditions typical of buildings for cultural institutions. Budgets are exceeded for many reasons, not all of them within an architect’s control (Cost Control Quotes)
The issue here is not gun control. And it’s not even astronomical cost overruns, although those are serious. What’s really inexcusable is that Parliament was in the dark (Cost Control Quotes)
In these times - where social appearance is more important than spiritual substance - what has become our longing to change is really the unconscious desire to control not just the shape of our bodies (according to prevailing values) but to dominate our environment as well, regardless of the cost. (Cost Control Quotes)
We are basically in the nicotine business. . . . Effective control of nicotine in our products should equate to a significant product performance and cost advantage. (Cost Control Quotes)
There is never a time in a company’s history when cost control can be relegated to the back burner, but for a startup company, keeping costs low is a vital necessity. (Cost Control Quotes)
Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn’t have any innocent bystanders. (Cost Control Quotes)
But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit. (Cost Control Quotes)
I love New York. But how much should it cost to call New York home? Decades of out-of-control budgets, spending hikes, and relentless borrowing have made New York simply too expensive. (Cost Control Quotes)
Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters - all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing. (Cost Control Quotes)
In 2008, I was one of millions united for hope and change. As 2010 dawns, change looks to me like more of the same. Instead of peace, we got more war. Instead of health care reform, we have an industry win that requires Americans to buy health insurance without any real cost controls. (Cost Control Quotes)
If you’re not terrified, you’re not going to win. You have to ride right up to the edge of control and not make any mistakes that cost you time. (Cost Control Quotes)