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The only medicine that needs no prescription, has no unpleasant taste, and costs no money is laughter  (Costs Quotes) From where I sit I see the digital cinema creating sloppiness on the part of filmmakers because they know if they really get in trouble they can fix it later. So they don’t pay that much attention, and of course it costs a lot of money  (Costs Quotes) Food trucks give creative entrepreneurs the ability to cook with freedom and make what they love, meaning that they can create highly specialized meals without having the high overhead costs of running a restaurant  (Costs Quotes) The sole impulse which dictates and compels a man’s every act: the imperious necessity of securing his own approval, in every emergency and at all costs... It is our only spur, our whip, our goad, our impelling power; we have no other  (Costs Quotes) In all the events of life, we ought still to preserve our scepticism. If we believe that fire warms, or water refreshes, it is only because it costs us too much pains to think otherwise  (Costs Quotes) My ruthless desire to win at all costs served me well on the bike but the level it went to, for whatever reason, is a flaw. That desire, that attitude, that arrogance  (Costs Quotes) Clearly, we need more incentives to quickly increase the use of wind and solar power; they will cut costs, increase our energy independence and our national security and reduce the consequences of global warming  (Costs Quotes) I started to realise that being impolite saves an awful lot of time and costs you nothing  (Costs Quotes) Joy is hidden in sorrow and sorrow in joy. If we try to avoid sorrow at all costs, we may never taste joy, and if we are suspicious of ecstasy, agony can never reach us either. Joy and sorrow are the parents of our spiritual growth  (Costs Quotes) The principal villain in rising health care costs is the government. Not pharmaceutical companies, not doctors, but government  (Costs Quotes) Here are the choices I don’t want to make: between paying additional fuel costs and flying and steaming less; between paying additional fuel costs and building fewer ships and planes  (Costs Quotes) When I decided to go into politics I weighed the costs. I would get criticism. But I went ahead. So when virulent criticism came I wasn’t surprised. I was better able to handle it  (Costs Quotes) Terrestrial scenery is much, but it is not all. Men go in search of it; but the celestial scenery journeys to them; it goes its way round the world. It has no nation, it costs no wearinesss, it knows no bonds  (Costs Quotes) Character is not only doing the right thing when no one is looking, it’s doing the right thing when everyone is looking. It’s being willing to do the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay  (Costs Quotes) Freedom isn’t free at all, that it comes with the highest of costs. The cost of blood  (Costs Quotes) How can we know who we are and where we are going if we don’t know anything about where we have come from and what we have been through, the courage shown, the costs paid, to be where we are?  (Costs Quotes) The family is the scene of the most intimate and powerful of human experiences. Family situations are bloodier and more passionate than any others, and the costs are greater  (Costs Quotes) I believe that government is too large, costs too much, spends too much, and has too much regulatory power in our lives  (Costs Quotes) The rising costs of higher education coupled with the stress of paying student loans are putting increasing pressure on students  (Costs Quotes) For years, my job was to make the movie inexpensively. And I could bring it in. What I can’t control are the costs of marketing  (Costs Quotes) As a competitive gymnast, my life has always been filled with challenges that would ultimately define my future. From day one, I was taught to be prepared at all costs  (Costs Quotes) In corporate culture, in sports culture, in the media, we honor those who win at all costs  (Costs Quotes) Many states can no longer afford to support public education, public benefits, public services without doing something about the exorbitant costs that mass incarceration have created  (Costs Quotes) The computer actually may have aggravated management’s degenerative tendency to focus inward on costs  (Costs Quotes) Everyone starts out with a little self, and it costs everything to move past that little self. It costs the life of the little self to be the life within that’s deeper than that little self  (Costs Quotes) Day care poses no risk for children, provided that it is high quality... Poor quality day care is risky for children everywhere... The cost of poor quality day care is measured in children’s lives. High quality day care costs only money  (Costs Quotes) I don’t have that much experience in the studio, but I’m always really uncomfortable when I’m there. You’re on the clock and it costs a lot of money  (Costs Quotes) Taste cannot be controlled by law. We must resist at all costs any attempt to regulate our individual freedoms and to legislate our personal moralities  (Costs Quotes) When it costs you the same amount of manufacturing effort to make advanced robotic parts as it does to manufacture a paperweight, that really changes things in a profound way  (Costs Quotes) Properly measured, the average actively managed dollar must underperform the average passively managed dollar, net of costs. Empirical analyses that appear to refute this principle are guilty of improper measurement  (Costs Quotes)
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