Count Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m one of those people who knows how lucky she is. And every day, I look around the house, and I count my blessings. They’re all there under that roof (Count Quotes)
I’m terrible in the kitchen. I was mostly raised by my mother and she could cook, so I never perfected that skill. If I had to count on my own cooking to survive, I’d probably be thinner (Count Quotes)
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best (Count Quotes)
Life will get in the way. Count on it. Be prepared for it. Maintain focus and press on towards your goal (Count Quotes)
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self (Count Quotes)
Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share and sought advantage over no one (Count Quotes)
Refrain from asking what going to happen tomorrow, and everyday that fortune grants you, count as gain (Count Quotes)
Do you know what we are those of us who count as pillars of society? We are society’s tools, neither more nor less (Count Quotes)
So long as you are secure you will count many friends; if your life becomes clouded you will be alone (Count Quotes)
A blogger is an average person who happens to have a need to count his friends every half hour (Count Quotes)
For the world, I count it not an inn, but a hospital; and a place not to live, but to die in (Count Quotes)
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good results (Count Quotes)
Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others (Count Quotes)
Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail (Count Quotes)
Remember that the future is neither ours nor wholly not ours, so that we may neither count on it as sure to come nor abandon hope of it as certain not to be (Count Quotes)
A nation will not count the sacrifice it makes, if it supposes it is engaged in a struggle for its fame, its influence and its existence (Count Quotes)
The only treaties that ought to count are those which would effect a settlement between ulterior motives (Count Quotes)
I have imbibed such a love for money that I keep some sequins in a drawer to count, and cry over them once a week (Count Quotes)
Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count, really count (Count Quotes)
If he does really think that there is no distinction between virtue and vice, why, sir, when he leaves our houses let us count our spoons (Count Quotes)
In prosperity you may count on many friends; if the sky becomes overcast you will be alone (Count Quotes)
The chances of each of us coming into existence are infinitesimally small, and even though we shall all die some day, we should count ourselves fantastically lucky to get our decades in the sun (Count Quotes)
There comes a point when you can more or less count the number of books you’re going to write before you die (Count Quotes)
The last 10 years I have had to bulk up for roles and I’m naturally skinny, so I have eaten and killed so many chickens! I wouldn’t even want to count. I need to balance that out (Count Quotes)
I can count all the ways in which being a mother has enriched my understanding of the world, of character, my sense of the future and my attachment to it. I can’t imagine what kind of writer I’d be if I didn’t have my kids (Count Quotes)
Let me tell you the polls that count, and those are the polls a couple of weeks before the election. That’s when the pollsters worry about holding onto their credibility. Those are the polls that everybody remembers (Count Quotes)
When you grew up like me and my four brothers, you end up feeling somewhat inadequate, like somehow you don’t count (Count Quotes)
Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated. What I do is about as simple as you can get. You could just count the beads, one, two, three, with your eyes closed or open, whatever makes you happy (Count Quotes)
In the auto industry, there’s one thing you can always count on: if a new environmental or safety rule is proposed, executives will prophesy disaster (Count Quotes)
The truth of it is that every singer out there with songs on the radio is raising the next generation, so make your words count (Count Quotes)