Count Quotes

Text Quotes
The future is uncertain but the end is always closer than it seems. Make your time here count (Count Quotes)
It is not what happens to you, but how you respond to what happens to you. Count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles (Count Quotes)
Take a deep breath and use one minute to count your blessings. For 60 seconds, your life seems just fine, because it is. Repeat as needed (Count Quotes)
If you count the sunny and the cloudy days of the whole year, you will find that the sunshine predominates (Count Quotes)
Some people never realize that they’re rich, because they never count the things they have that money can’t buy (Count Quotes)
My job here today, our job, is to tell you the one thing you can count on. The one thing I can guarantee you can expect in life is that you will experience the thoroughly unexpected (Count Quotes)
To a mathematician the eleventh means only a single unit: to the bushman who cannot count further than his ten fingers it is an incalculable myriad (Count Quotes)
How am I supposed to grow up and make life choices when I still use my fingers to count, and I still sing the whole alphabet to find out which letter comes next (Count Quotes)
Do not let your past rob your future. Each new day is a chance to make a new beginning. Count your blessings, live with gratitude and love with all your heart! (Count Quotes)
You can’t always count on others to respect your feelings, even if you respect theirs (Count Quotes)
Reading is the subtle and thorough sharing of the ideas and feelings by underhanded means. It is a gross invasion of Privacy and a direct violation of the Constitutions of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Age. The Teaching of Reading is equally a crime against Privacy and Personhood. One to five years on each count (Count Quotes)
I don’t know. I always sort of liked playing [Georgia] that second game because you could always count on them having two or three key players suspended (Count Quotes)
I’ll admit, right away, that I am disappointed that we did not have a major trophy to show for our efforts. We were in four and we had a good side, but when you count second place as failure, then standards are becoming fantastically high. We never celebrate second place here (Count Quotes)
Marine Le Pen may want me dead, that’s possible, but she must not count on my co-operation (Count Quotes)
I look a little like Beaker. I think I’m a cross between Beaker and The Count. My hair looks like Oscar the Grouch. It’s Muppety hair (Count Quotes)
Why does McDonald’s have to count every burger that they sell? What is their ultimate goal? Do they want cows to surrender voluntarily? (Count Quotes)
Baptism is the critical priesthood ordinance which opens the door to eternal life for each one of us. It is the benchmark from which we count our many blessings because this is when our accountability to follow Jesus Christ and live his Gospel begins (Count Quotes)
Each say following another, either hastening or putting off our death--what pleasure does it bring? I count that man worthless whois cheered by empty hopes. No, a noble man must either live or die well (Count Quotes)
Fathers have a special excitement about them that babies find intriguing. At this time in his life an infant counts on his motherfor rootedness and anchoring. He can count on his father to be just different enough from a mother. Fathers embody a delicious mixture of familiarity and novelty. They are novel without being strange or frightening (Count Quotes)
Everything was blamed on Castro. Mudslides in California. The fact that you can’t buy a decent tomato anymore. Was there an exceptionally high pollen count in Massapequa, Long Island, one day? It was Castro, exporting sneezes (Count Quotes)
As a coping mechanism, or as a way to make a little hard count by shilling demons in the shadows, I try not to belittle the thought process of the conspiracy theorists. As a cocktail waitress in Vegas once schooled me: never get down on anybody else’s hustle (Count Quotes)
Why are you lying awake, thinking that you’re a terrible person? To keep my mind occupied when I can’t sleep. Some people count sheep. I self-loathe (Count Quotes)
When a thought of Plato becomes a thought to me,--when a truth that fired the soul of Pindar fires mine, time is no more. When I feel that we two meet in a perception, that our two souls are tinged with the same hue, and do as it were run into one, why should I measure degrees of latitude, why should I count Egyptian years? (Count Quotes)
We FaceTime and Skype. My two older kids got iPods for their birthdays, so they can FaceTime their dad whenever they need him. They always get a six o’clock call right after dinner, and I make sure I talk to each child. Even my 1-year-old gets on the phone and says ‘Daddy.’ They know my schedule by now and count the days back until I get home (Count Quotes)
The simple approach is that if I stay aggressive, I’ll hit less often with two strikes in the count. I’ve been aggressive, but I’ve missed pitches. If I can put them in play earlier in the count, I eliminate the two-strike approach (Count Quotes)
Too often, in novels that are speculative, God is a kind of kryptonite, and that’s about all that it is, and it goes back to Dracula, where someone dumps a crucifix in Count Dracula’s face, and he pulls away and runs back into his house. That’s not religion. That’s some kind of juju, like a talisman (Count Quotes)
Ah my daughter. Eighteen and already you’ve been accused of murder, aided felons and acquired a death count higher than most guardians will ever see. I couldn’t be prouder.- Abe Mazure (Count Quotes)
Ugly accidents happen . . . always have and always will. But the failures are swept back into the pile and forgotten. They don`t leave any lasting scar in the world, and they don`t affect the future. The things that last are the good things. The people who forge ahead and do something, they really count (Count Quotes)
I have a very personal interest. I am a Miami-Dade voter. One of the issues is that my vote and so many other votes of women and African Americans in Florida are being discounted or discarded. I want my vote to count. (Count Quotes)
We will continue to count on your unwavering support and commitment to working with leaders of our continent in bringing about the desired renaissance of Africa. (Count Quotes)