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Countries Quotes

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Countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices and opinions of all their citizens can be heard  (Countries Quotes) When countries commit to protecting vulnerable lives, they should receive support from those who can provide it in order to make their programs a success  (Countries Quotes) On my travels around the world, I’ve met people in countries where democracy doesn’t exist and if it does, they are intimidated into voting in a certain way  (Countries Quotes) People see fashion as superficial and shallow, but its actually not. As an industry, it can really change how things happen and change trade for countries that really need it  (Countries Quotes) The condition of women affords in all countries the best criterion by which to judge the character of men  (Countries Quotes) I have before seen other countries, in the same manner, give themselves to you when you are about to leave them  (Countries Quotes) I never trust the airlines from those countries where the pilots believe in the afterlife. You are safer when they don’t  (Countries Quotes) We hack everyone everywhere. We like to make a distinction between us and the others. But we are in almost every country in the world. We are not at war with these countries  (Countries Quotes) We are soldiers who devote ourselves to arms not for the invasion of other countries, but for the defense of our own, not for the gratification of our private interests but for public security  (Countries Quotes) Unfortunately, the current pace of progress is not nearly rapid enough, with many rich industrialised countries being slow to make the transition to cleaner and more efficient forms of economic growth  (Countries Quotes) I’m convinced nonviolence can be successful in working for positive change in our relations with other countries right now  (Countries Quotes) I want to tell women in developing countries that they are as powerful as their male counterparts, and they can play an equal role in their respective societies  (Countries Quotes) Democracy is an internal subject of the developing society. There are fundamentals of democracy, and they should be understood universally in different countries  (Countries Quotes) The variation between countries is partly due to cultural and institutional differences, but undoubtedly the economic landscape within each territory is crucial  (Countries Quotes) In the end countries, like people, are alone, and the real things that must be done have to be done without help  (Countries Quotes) I want to work; then, as my kids get older, I want to have adventures. I want to visit all their countries: learn and live inside all their cultures  (Countries Quotes) I don’t know what our government does except put us into debt and blow up other countries  (Countries Quotes) Boundaries, and countries, if we don’t have that we are all brothers and sisters, we can all have love and joy and compassion for each other: the world would be much more beautiful  (Countries Quotes) In some countries we have had the right to vote for less than 100 years, so the entry of women into political leadership has caused a tsunami  (Countries Quotes) It is the entire euro zone system which is under threat at the moment, not just a few small countries anymore... Our euro is under threat. The changing situation needs a quick and immediate reaction  (Countries Quotes) North and south must also adopt measures to arrest the growing phenomenon of illegal capital flight and the repatriation of illicit wealth siphoned abroad by corrupt political leaders and their collaborators back to their countries of origin  (Countries Quotes) I never, never supporting any violence and everybody that know me, and all the countries here they know well that is no one, nowhere that the former prime minister will become terrorist to hurt their own country. No way  (Countries Quotes) As countries grapple with modernization, people who are left behind tend to hold firmer and firmer to their view of the evil of modernity  (Countries Quotes) Trade wars arent started by countries appealing to respected, independent trade authorities. Rather, trade wars begin when one country decides to violate international trade rules to undercut another countrys industries  (Countries Quotes) I hadn’t had a perfect moment yet. And it’s very important for me to have perfect moments in exotic countries like that... it kind of lets you know when it’s time to go home  (Countries Quotes) We live in an age where revenge seems to be the most important thing for individuals and countries. Why not forgive each other? Decide to accept each other’s differences and move on  (Countries Quotes) I was thinking about being more global in my work, which means trying more foreign countries and working with foreign filmmakers, hoping they would give me a new take on my work, a new point of view, reinvent me in some way  (Countries Quotes) We’re an elective democracy where science and technology will define where the economically strong countries in the world will be. And science and technological literacy is important for security, as well  (Countries Quotes) By going into third world countries and serving, by actually feeding and helping people, I’ve been led to focus a little more on how people here try to be happy by ignoring other people who are unhappy  (Countries Quotes) In relations between the states... the interests of the country should be correlated with the interests of other countries, and compromise is to be found when resolving the most complex issues  (Countries Quotes)
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