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Terrorists have been supported by tens of foreign countries, so Syria alone wouldn’t be able to face this kind of war without the help of its friends.  (Countries Quotes) In fact, it is amazing how much European films - Italian, French, German and English - have recovered a certain territory of the audience in their countries over the last few years.  (Countries Quotes) Some countries that I go to are still trying to deny that it’s happening. In India, 2.1 million people are living with HIV AIDS. India manufactures most of the drugs that are used to cure HIV around the world, which is an amazing, amazing fact that most people don’t know.  (Countries Quotes) Whether it’s in Washington, or whether it’s with the mothers of extremists, or whether it’s education in places like Pakistan... a lot of women in these emerging countries are taking charge and doing amazing things.  (Countries Quotes) We had this unbelievable faith that no business has done, quite frankly, and we tripped along the way doing it, but within two years, we were in 40-plus countries. So we ran at an amazing pace, and this is where venture capitalists play a role. Making Groupon into what it is today, we had no role in it; the entrepreneurs did it.  (Countries Quotes) We can only imagine the history of the free world today if, at the end of the Civil War, there had been two countries: the United States and the Confederate States of America.  (Countries Quotes) Over the years, dozens of American companies have filed papers to trade in their U.S. corporate citizenship for citizenship in tax haven countries like Bermuda.  (Countries Quotes) You have companies over in different countries where they devalue their currency and they make it impossible for American companies to compete.  (Countries Quotes) Aggregate aid is to the Ethiopian economy what Obama’s fiscal stimulus was to the American economy: minus these injections, both economies would suffer catastrophically. The theatrical blustering of the Ethiopian government notwithstanding, donor countries have a make-or-break power over the Ethiopia’s prosperity.  (Countries Quotes) Education is the only way forward in Latin America and developing countries in general  (Countries Quotes) In most of the European countries - France stands out in its resistance to this particular form of American cultural imperialism - the national film industries were forced onto the defensive after the war by such binding agreements.  (Countries Quotes) The internal affairs of other countries has a big impact on American interests  (Countries Quotes) This notion that we’re going to prop up foreign governments, that we’re going to invade other countries for some kind of perceived benefit where we’re going to install somebody who’s going to be supportive of American interests or American corporate private interests needs to stop.  (Countries Quotes) No matter how much of our liberty Washington takes away in the name of security, there are no guarantees that there won’t be another terrorist attack. Instead of attacking American liberties, the government ought to go after terrorists in their countries of origin. It should be like what our military attempted during WWII. Don’t wait to defend ships against the kamikaze -- bomb the fields where they take off.  (Countries Quotes) I learned English at school, or at least that’s how it started. Also, in Holland - as opposed to some other European countries - we don’t dub anything, so as a kid growing up, always watching English and American movies in their original language really helped.  (Countries Quotes) For an American, there’s no automatic place where people love the art of poetry. There’s not a social class that considers poetry its property the way in some countries there’s a snob value to the art.  (Countries Quotes) American society in recent years has been imitating behavior patterns that have produced negative - and sometimes catastrophic - consequences in many other countries around the world.  (Countries Quotes) It’s important for American soldiers to be culturally sensitive when deployed in foreign countries. But it’s just as important for the U.S. never to renounce the most fundamental American values, which, after all, are also universal values.  (Countries Quotes) Caterpillar exported $20 billion of goods in 2011, all by American hands and American workers, to all over the world. In order to do that, we have to create jobs in all those countries that we export to, to be able to sell there.  (Countries Quotes) Ironically, Latin American countries, in their instability, give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.  (Countries Quotes) Here in the United States, when the term fascist gets used, it`s either talking about other countries, ancient history or it`s used as a sort of insult, right, a sort of generic right wing epithet that people use to criticize politicians who are at most on the edge of mainstream American political thought.  (Countries Quotes) We looked too long for God and truth through words alone. The fruit for humanity has been rather limited, it seems to me - especially when I observe every day the extraordinary amount of unhappy and angry people in well educated and ‘religious’ countries.  (Countries Quotes) All of my friends are animal people. To me, cats are people, too. Animals are people, too. I travel a lot and when I go overseas, it’s really hard on me because the animals are treated much differently, especially in developing countries.  (Countries Quotes) Several countries - among them Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, India, Israel and Sweden - ban or severely restrict the use of wild animals in circuses. In Brazil, a movement to ban wild animals from circuses started after hungry lions managed to grab and devour a small boy.  (Countries Quotes) Over the years, Good Deeds Day has annually gained greater popularity, spreading beyond geographical boundaries to include many more countries worldwide. International Good Deeds Day has become a global annual tradition of giving.  (Countries Quotes) We in Iraq have not descended from another planet. Just as people in many other countries have gotten over the tragedy of war, Iraq will get over its ordeal.  (Countries Quotes) Today (1950), the hatred of the Moslem countries against the West is becoming hatred against Christianity itself. Although the statesmen have not yet taken it into account, there is still grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return and, with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world Power.  (Countries Quotes) Though there are laws against blasphemy and insult to religion in many European countries, France has institutionalised its anti-clerical past by proscribing religion from public life.  (Countries Quotes) In the U.S. there are many people willing to work on $9 per hour, which is causing Tasmania to lose its famous apple industry and Australia to import more and more of its fruit and food from lower cost countries. In fact, all over Australia there are warning signs of us killing or restricting our own industries.  (Countries Quotes) What Israel wants is peace with - and the acknowledgment of - all the Arab countries  (Countries Quotes)
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