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The three main sources of scepticism are first, that not every people desires freedom; second, that democracy in certain parts of the world would be dangerous; and third, that there is little the world’s democracies can do to advance freedom outside their countries.  (Countries Quotes) The amount of military force necessary to provide reassurance depends on how dangerous people think the world is. And that I think ultimately depends upon the kinds of government that hold sway in major countries.  (Countries Quotes) Now, some of the most dangerous places for women to be in the world are modern, Western, rich European countries. Why? One reason. Islamic immigration - it’s got to stop.  (Countries Quotes) I took a 51 day trip through Asia; 12 countries and 26 cities. I traveled for 51 days. So, it was everywhere from Sri Lanka and that all the way to Japan, where we ended it.  (Countries Quotes) Countries around the world have their own immigration laws and methods of dealing with a recurring theme: desperate people searching for peace from volatile parts of the world. And nations everywhere thrive and prosper from the contributions of immigrants and the children of immigrants - including right here in the U.S.  (Countries Quotes) Obviously, the death of Usama Bin Laden marked a strategic milestone in our effort to defeat al-Qa’ida. Unfortunately, Bin Laden’s death, and the death and capture of many other al-Qa’ida leaders and operatives, does not mark the end of that terrorist organization or its efforts to attack the United States and other countries.  (Countries Quotes) Certainly, poverty and economic decline have a lot to do with the so-called rage of Islam. You’ve got all these young men in countries which are economically in bad shape. The idea that they might be able to make a good living and get married and have a family, a decent life, seems very remote to a lot of people in a lot of the world.  (Countries Quotes) Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep down I know that’s not true. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.  (Countries Quotes) Fish from all over the world, from deep in the sea, wind up in countries from Germany to Japan. That is just crazy.  (Countries Quotes) I think a submarine is a very worthwhile weapon. I believe we can defend ourselves with submarines and all our troops back at home. This whole idea that we have to be in 130 countries and 900 bases... is an old-fashioned idea.  (Countries Quotes) Macroeconomics is the analysis of the economy as a whole, an examination of overall supply and demand. At the broadest level, macroeconomists want to understand why some countries grow faster than others and which government policies can help growth.  (Countries Quotes) The Commonwealth is a vital and positive partnership between countries striving to develop trade relations and promote democracy and human rights, united by shared values.  (Countries Quotes) There should be competition and exchanges between different countries, but there are certainly certain universal values, and that is freedom and democracy.  (Countries Quotes) In general the 53 countries on the continent of Africa have made great progress towards freedom and democracy, and in terms of electing good, sound administrations.  (Countries Quotes) All countries in my part of the world, we want democracy to prevail. I told the people, ‘If you want American policies to stop, we need to take action.’ We need to make the U.S. understand that its meddling is inappropriate.  (Countries Quotes) Since pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive, pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it. Objectively the pacifist is pro-Nazi.  (Countries Quotes) On my travels around the world, I’ve met people in countries where democracy doesn’t exist and if it does, they are intimidated into voting in a certain way.  (Countries Quotes) If you want to bring the people of this world together, you have to be willing to engage with countries that do not share our [western] democratic values.  (Countries Quotes) His track record of pragmatism, depth and candor all speak to a person who would find the Tea Party simplistic, opportunistic and misguided. Reagan was surrounded by some very smart people who gave him very sound advice. They were not wondering where certain countries are on the map.  (Countries Quotes) Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.  (Countries Quotes) We must abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue weapons of mass destruction, yet morally acceptable for others to rely on them for security - and indeed to continue to refine their capacities and postulate plans for their use.  (Countries Quotes) It is truly vital for the United States to assure that it is not attacked with weapons of mass destruction; to prevent wars in other countries from spreading onto American soil; and to maintain access to global sea lanes on which our economy depends. Beyond that, there is little or nothing in the world that should draw the United States to war.  (Countries Quotes) Medical costs are of concern, both in developing and developed countries  (Countries Quotes) Well-trained medical doctors and engineers leave Nigeria to the developed countries. We want to reverse that.  (Countries Quotes) What we ask of the developed countries is to let the Third World find a third way  (Countries Quotes) A global deal will only be possible if Britain plays its part, leading the way with other developed countries.  (Countries Quotes) In most developed countries, the average person receives about 16 years of education. Even in developing countries, the population gets five to eight years of education.  (Countries Quotes) The interests of the Soviet Union are in controlling highly developed countries and having the benefit of their economies so that they can run their own inefficient empire.  (Countries Quotes) The trend in the world right now is - not just in developed countries, but in developing countries including China and India - there is a movement to build more and more nuclear plants.  (Countries Quotes) It used to be that almost all innovation came from the U.S. and a small number of other developed countries. That’s no longer the case, and as China and India grow, it’s changing even more. Expect a lot more Chinese and Indian Nobel prizes in the future.  (Countries Quotes)
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