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Countries Quotes

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The international institutions go around the world preaching liberalization, and the developing countries see that means open up your markets to our commodities, but we aren’t going to open our markets to your commodities. In the nineteenth century, they used gunboats. Now they use economic weapons and arm-twisting.  (Countries Quotes) You cannot immunize sick, malnourished children and expect them to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection...It needs to be appreciated that children in developing countries are at a much greater risk of complications from vaccination and from mercury toxicity...because poor nutrition, parasitic and bacterial infections and low birth weight.  (Countries Quotes) The war and terrorism in the Middle East, the crisis of leadership in many of the oil-supply countries in the developing world, the crisis of global warming - all these are very clearly tied to energy.  (Countries Quotes) I think that for the developing world there are many versions of capitalism, and countries have to choose one that’s appropriate.  (Countries Quotes) The countries that have collected the most development aid are also the ones that are in the worst shape. Despite the billions that have poured in to Africa, the continent remains poor.  (Countries Quotes) Development aid takes money from the poor in rich countries and gives it to the rich in poor countries  (Countries Quotes) Women are more focused on the development of the quality of life in their countries. They are more involved in social and family policies, childcare, and poverty reduction.  (Countries Quotes) The condition of women in Islamic societies as a whole is also far from desirable. However, we should acknowledge that there are differences. In certain countries, the conditions are much better and in others much worse.  (Countries Quotes) Refugees come from many different backgrounds and live in many different circumstances, so I wouldn’t like to generalise. But I think refugees from the U.K. would probably be healthier and better fed than those from many other countries.  (Countries Quotes) As far as ideology or political beliefs are concerned, countries are very different  (Countries Quotes) It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, gay, straight, come from different countries, different language... every single person is significant and is meaningful.  (Countries Quotes) I’ve always felt that I’m affected by the world, by the way we treat each other, by the way different countries treat each other.  (Countries Quotes) I don’t know whether machine translation will eventually get good enough to allow us to browse people’s websites in different languages so you can see how they live in different countries.  (Countries Quotes) Denmark is a small, homogenous nation of about 5.5 million people. The United States is a melting pot of more than 315 million people. No question about it, Denmark and the United States are very different countries.  (Countries Quotes) I am the son of a small and far-away nation and the other laureates have all come from different countries from all over the world and we all were equally received here with signs of sympathy.  (Countries Quotes) Latinos come from different countries, and they tend to segregate with only their country instead of embracing all the other countries, because in reality, all the Latinos are going through the same experiences of discrimination and racism.  (Countries Quotes) I think that Mexican-American kids live in a global world. It’s not even bi-, it’s multi-. You know, for those of us who grew up with different countries on our block, different nationalities, you know, we moved into multiple worlds.  (Countries Quotes) Energy is one topic on which different countries can work together collaboratively. If we can all produce energy from an element that’s available in abundance on our planet, that would be a good thing, but we have to learn how to produce energy in large quantities, cheaply, efficiently and without detriment to the environment.  (Countries Quotes) I’m trying to fight the terrorism that’s actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff that the U.S. government allows to happen, and the foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists. And it’s easy for us because it’s just some oil.  (Countries Quotes) Workers in different countries can easily be played off against each other  (Countries Quotes) In establishment Indian and Pakistani thought, Kashmiris are defined as different from the nationals of the two countries.  (Countries Quotes) Kids in different countries know my movies by heart because they’ve seen them so many times. And wonderful returns never stop.  (Countries Quotes) I don’t mind where I work, it’s really nice to be able to travel around and taste the flavours of different countries.  (Countries Quotes) One of the things I’m fascinated by as a traveler is watching how different countries control how they let the world encounter them.  (Countries Quotes) It’s not Utopian to believe that we can create a global registry of financial assets so we know who owns what in different countries.  (Countries Quotes) I don’t go to different countries to criticise their political system and tell them what they should be doing - what do I know?  (Countries Quotes) It’s important to begin to even consider whether countries can become something that looks very different because people tend to take their countries for granted.  (Countries Quotes) Global politics remains extremely complex and countries have different interests, which will also lead them to make what might seem as rather bizarre friends and allies.  (Countries Quotes) I believe in free trade. I don’t support regulating trade prices between different regions. Our point of view is we don’t want trade barriers between different countries.  (Countries Quotes) I couldn’t live without music. I experienced things through music in different countries where you cannot speak the same language, but the music and the dance relates everything.  (Countries Quotes)
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