Counts Quotes

Text Quotes
The crowds themselves are meaningless. The thing that counts is what happens to the hearts of the people (Counts Quotes)
I’m always having to check myself and make sure I’m not over singing in some ensemble thing that will render me unavailable for participation in the stuff where it really counts (Counts Quotes)
Near counts more than far, familiar more than different. Such is the indictment against the press, that it fails to treat similar tragedies with equal dignity (Counts Quotes)
Remember it’s the thought that counts as you finish reading this free ecard (Counts Quotes)
Conventional economic theory... counts the depletion of resources as the accumulation of wealth (Counts Quotes)
The thing that counts most in the pursuit of happiness is choosing the right companion (Counts Quotes)
As far as our fans are concerned, I’m the only one who counts; along with my teammates, obviously (Counts Quotes)
Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but its the middle that counts the most (Counts Quotes)
You don’t have to do a lot of quantity. It’s the quality that counts (Counts Quotes)
This birthday card counts as me replying to that email I forgot you sent (Counts Quotes)
In magic, today as always, the effect is what counts. The method or methods used are always purely secondary (Counts Quotes)
This, then, is what counts: a lightning reaction which has no further need of conscious observation. In this respect at least the pupil makes himself independent of all conscious purpose (Counts Quotes)
Fathers have a special excitement about them that babies find intriguing. At this time in his life an infant counts on his motherfor rootedness and anchoring. He can count on his father to be just different enough from a mother. Fathers embody a delicious mixture of familiarity and novelty. They are novel without being strange or frightening (Counts Quotes)
This is serious, if Martha gets the maximum sentence on all counts, she could serve 20 years in prison. Of course, you have to take off time off for good behavior, which means 20 years in prison (Counts Quotes)
American Taliban John Walker Lindh has pleaded guilty to two counts of terrorism and will face twenty years in prison. I guess that means his jihad is on ji-hold (Counts Quotes)
She [Hillary Clinton] is the epitome of the progressive - the secular progressive movement. And she counts on the fact that people are uninformed, the Alinsky Model, taking advantage of useful idiots (Counts Quotes)
Modern technology has taken the angst out of achieving the perfect shot. For me, the only thing that counts is the idea behind the image: what you want to see and what you’re trying to say. The idea is crucial. You have to think of something you want to say and expand upon it (Counts Quotes)
We must develop huge demonstrations, because the world is used to big dramatic affairs. They think in terms of hundreds of thousands and millions and billions... Billions of dollars are appropriated at the twinkling of an eye. Nothing little counts (Counts Quotes)
America has to act. But, when America acts, other nations accuse us of being ‘hegemonistic’, of engaging in ‘unilateralism’, of behaving as if we’re the only nation on earth that counts. We are (Counts Quotes)
The usual test under the Federal Election Campaign Act for whether something counts as a campaign expenditure is whether the obligation would have existed but for the campaign. If so, it is not a campaign expenditure (Counts Quotes)
What really counts is not the immediate act of courage or of valor, but those who bear the struggle day in and day out - not the sunshine patriots but those who are willing to stand for a long period of time. (Counts Quotes)
Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, the Lord requires self-control and purity before marriage, as well as full fidelity after marriage. . . . .Tears inevitably follow transgression. Men, take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears. (Counts Quotes)
After all, it is not where one washes one’s neck that counts but where one moistens one’s throat. (Counts Quotes)
There are times when the one thing you haven’t counts more than all the riches that may be yours. (Counts Quotes)
You don’t always have to have the most amazing story. It’s learning to share the story you have that counts. (Counts Quotes)
When I receive letters from girls that say, ‘You give me confidence,’ I think, ‘Wow, this is amazing.’ That’s my goal: to let people know it’s truly what’s on the inside that counts. (Counts Quotes)
Right now, in the amazing moment that to us counts as the present, we are deciding, without quite meaning to, which evolutionary pathways will remain open and which will forever be closed. No other creature has ever managed this and it will, unfortunately, be our most enduring legacy. (Counts Quotes)
The American military generally counts on a kill ratio of 10 to 1 when fighting lightly armed insurgents: for every dead American, there are probably 10 dead enemy. (Counts Quotes)
Whenever you heal any relationship, your whole life improves - and that counts for double with family. (Counts Quotes)
I’m a sports junkie, and I am interested in athletic will - how you exceed the expectations of your own performance when it counts to deliver something beyond yourself so that you can win. (Counts Quotes)