Couple Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s an experiment, and it’s probably good to have a couple states try it out to see before you make that national policy (Couple Quotes)
From his neck down a man is worth a couple of dollars a day, from his neck up he is worth anything that his brain can produce (Couple Quotes)
I can’t see myself without pink lipstick. I can go without it for a couple of days, but if there was no more pink lipstick in this world, I’d be useless. Seriously (Couple Quotes)
When you really want something, and you couple that with an understanding of your nature, of your spiritual being, and the laws that govern you, you will keep going, regardless of what’s happened. Nothing will stop you (Couple Quotes)
These flowers will be rotten in a couple hours. Birds will crap on them. The smoke here will make them stink, and tomorrow a bulldozer will probably run over them, but for right now they are so beautiful (Couple Quotes)
I’ve never stolen anything in my life, except maybe a couple hearts here and there (Couple Quotes)
If you want to get a pet for your child, I suggest a chicken so that when they get bored of it after a couple of days at least you can have a nice roast dinner (Couple Quotes)
When I was a kid, I had a couple of really good friends, like some really good best friends, but I was really shy other than that (Couple Quotes)
Give me a paper and pen, so I can write about my life of sin. A couple of bottles of gin, in case I don’t get in (Couple Quotes)
Couple in the next room bound to win a prize, they’ve been going at it all night long (Couple Quotes)
If you get a guy that can play a couple positions, it helps you out a real lot (Couple Quotes)
I’ve produced a couple of films and really enjoyed starting it from the very beginning and seeing it all the way through to the end; that was very gratifying (Couple Quotes)
There are a couple of strategies for writing about an absence or writing about a loss. One can create the person that was lost, develop the character of the fiancee. There’s another strategy that one can employ, maybe riskier... Make the reader suffer the loss of the character in a more literal way (Couple Quotes)
A lot of people are crazy, cruel and negative. They got a little too much time on their hands to discuss everybody else. I have a limited amount of energy to blow in a day. I’d rather read something that I like or watch a program I enjoy or ride my damn motorcycle or throw back a couple of shots of tequila with my friends (Couple Quotes)
My room is like an antique shop, full of junk, and weird stuff. There’s a big sword in there. And a taxidermy bird, and a couple of birdcages. And a lot of newspaper cuttings. I used to have a weird thing about cutting out morbid headlines from newspapers, and collecting them. I was fascinated with drowning, which is kind of strange (Couple Quotes)
My point is, there are a lot of people in the world. No one ever sees everything the same way you do; it just doesn’t happen. So when you find one person who gets a couple of things, especially if they’re important ones... you might as well hold on to them. You know? (Couple Quotes)
It was as if they had leapt over the arduous cavalry of conjugal life and gone straight to the heart of love. They were together in silence like an old married couple wary of life, beyond the pitfalls of passion, beyond the brutal mockery of hope and the phantoms of disillusion: beyond love. For they had lived together long enough to know that love was always love, anytime and anyplace, but it was more solid the closer it came to death (Couple Quotes)
The band has decided to give him and his wife a much needed break from the road to start a life and have a proper honeymoon and do all the things a newlywed couple should do. I’m very proud to announce my brother’s recent marriage. Watching him grow up into a man and finding love makes me the happiest brother alive. I know this is upsetting news, as it is for us, but we will continues to tour with a temporary replacement until he has situated himself in his new life (Couple Quotes)
I figured I could read more than five pages tonight since I’d been deprived for the last couple of days. When I finished the fifteenth, I discovered I was three pages from the next chapter. Might as well end with a clean break. After I was done, I sighed and leaned back, feeling decadent and spent. Pure bliss. Books were a lot less messy than orgasms (Couple Quotes)
In order to carry through any undertaking in family life, there must necessarily be either complete division between the husband and wife, or loving agreement. When the relations of a couple are vacillating and neither one thing nor the other, no sort of enterprise can be undertake. Many families remain for years in the same place, though both husband and wife are sick of it, simply because there is neither complete division nor agreement between them (Couple Quotes)
I was never young. Whoever I was then is dead. That’s more of your quills. I don’t want a hide full, thanks. I have always figured that you die each day and and each day is a is a box, you see, all numbered and neat; but never go back and lift the lids, because you have died a couple thousand times in your life, and that’s a lot of corpses, each dead a different way, each with a worse expression. Each of those days is a different you, somebody you don’t know or understand or want to understand (Couple Quotes)
Love wasn’t possible in just a couple of days. Love could be set in motion quickly, but true love needed time to grow into something strong and enduring. Love was, above all, about commitment and dedication and a belief that spending years with a certain person would create something greater than the sum of what the two can accomplish separately (Couple Quotes)
It’s like when you’re excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and they make you so mad. And all you want is to feel happy for them because you know that if you do, then it means you’re happy, too (Couple Quotes)
Sometimes they were together so often that it felt as though they really were a couple; sometimes weeks and months would go by before they saw each other. But even as alcoholics are drawn to the state liquor store after a stint on the wagon, they always came back to each other (Couple Quotes)
Maybe I was worrying for nothing. Maybe it had just been casual for him, and I wouldn’t even have to tell him it couldn’t happen again. After all, the man was a couple hundred years older than me and a former gigolo. I certainly hadn’t robbed him of his virginity (Couple Quotes)
Nothing to me is more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new married couple; in that of the lady particularly; it tells you that her lot is disposed of in this world; that you can have no hopes for her (Couple Quotes)
The last couple of years were hell. Like, I can’t even tell you, it was so hard. I didn’t know how to handle it. But I think I’m in a much better place now, because I stepped away for a second and took a breath. Hollywood is a funny place. It offers so much, but it can also take a lot away from you (Couple Quotes)
There are a couple of things I want to impart to ladies who want to be in comedy: One, you don’t have to be weird or be quirky to get your job done. And two, comedy skill is not sexually transmittable. You do not have to sleep with a comedian to learn what you’re doing. Male comedians will not like that advice, but it is the truth (Couple Quotes)
Reducing your life down to three pairs of jeans, two skirts, a couple of shirts, and a few pairs of shoes was so nice for me. I really loved living in this tiny room where I didn’t have space for anything. It sounds really lame, but it made me feel a lot more free, because I just didn’t have as many choices (Couple Quotes)
People ask me what advice I have for a married couple struggling in their relationship. I always answer: pray and forgive. And to young people from violent homes, I say: pray and forgive. And again, even to the single mother with no family support: pray and forgive (Couple Quotes)