Courage Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the characteristics of successful scientists is having courage. Once you get your courage up and believe that you can do important problems, then you can. If you think you can’t, almost surely you are not going to (Courage Quotes)
To live in accordance with how one thinks. Be yourself and don’t try to impose your criteria on the rest. I don’t expect others to live like me. I want to respect people’s freedom, but I defend my freedom. And that comes with the courage to say what you think, even if sometimes others don’t share those views (Courage Quotes)
To dare to be aware of the facts of the universe in which we are existing calls for courage (Courage Quotes)
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. Wishing you a great journey (Courage Quotes)
In true courage there is always an element of choice, of an ethical choice, and of anguish, and also of action and deed. There is always a flame of spirit in it, a vision of some necessity higher than oneself (Courage Quotes)
Faith gives the courage to live and do. Scientists, with their disciplined thinking, like others, need a basis for the good life, for aspiration, for courage to do great deeds. They need a faith to live by. The hope of the world lies in those who have such faith and who use the methods of science to make their visions become real. Visions and hope and faith are not part of science. They are beyond the nature that science knows. Of such is the religion that gives meaning to life (Courage Quotes)
To save the world requires faith and courage: faith in reason, and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true (Courage Quotes)
One thing you must never lose is courage. If you believe in the goal you are striving for, you will be courageous. There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor, work through the tough situations, and enjoy yourself! (Courage Quotes)
If you feel positive, you have a sense of hope. If you have hope, you can have courage (Courage Quotes)
The first state an actor experiences onstage is the one he just experienced in life. One needs great courage not to portray this experience. One must surrender entirely to the power of one s artistic nature. It will do all the necessary things. Do not impose any solution upon yourself in advance. The quality to develop in an actor is courage (Courage Quotes)
I want to allow others to reveal and celebrate aspects of themselves that are usually hidden. My camera is a witness. It holds a light up for my subjects to help them feel their own essence, and gives them the courage to collaborate in the recording of these revelations (Courage Quotes)
One cannot choose how one’s life begins but one can choose to face the end with courage (Courage Quotes)
The thing about courage is it’s something that we have to learn and relearn our whole lives. It’s not just in you, it’s in every choice we make every day (Courage Quotes)
Any idiot can be brave, but courage is about knowing what’s at stake, and moving forward anyway (Courage Quotes)
Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men: courage, and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men: mistrust and caution (Courage Quotes)
You have to have the courage to wait, to say no,... And thats difficult. This job is very uncertain, and its frightening (Courage Quotes)
I think there has always been an obsession with youth and beauty. What’s missing is the equal obsession with respect for…older people…and their wisdom and knowledge and courage (Courage Quotes)
I love awards, especially if I get them. It’s up to the courage of the filmmakers to make art in cinema, not just business. John was rejected by studios, he borrowed money and did movies with his own money. You’re either courageous or not. You have to find a way (Courage Quotes)
Sometimes it takes more courage to get up and run than to stay. You either just do it or you don’t. I got so scared the first day in combat I just decided to go along with it (Courage Quotes)
The biggest frontier opens up in front of us and rather than be afraid of it, we should go forward with courage (Courage Quotes)
They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but the same is not true for courage. As it turns out, when courage strikes, it almost always begets more courage (Courage Quotes)
Resounding…with wit, courage, and compassion. Skinny will speak to everyone who has ever felt invisible or unlovable (Courage Quotes)
Growth and transformation occur not by changing who we are, but as we summon the courage to be who we are (Courage Quotes)
Drag artists are more men than real men. You need a lot of courage, personality, and guts to go out there. Even if you look good or you look bad, you still need to have all of those things to be on stage. You’re going to get criticized by everyone (Courage Quotes)
There’s a lie that all drivers tell themselves. Death is something that happens to other people, and that’s how you find the courage to get in the car in the first place. The closer you are to death the more alive you feel. But more powerful than fear itself, is the will to win (Courage Quotes)
It takes a lot of courage as an actor to take time off for family. But family is everything (Courage Quotes)
The cold view to take of our future is that we are therefore headed for extinction in a universe of impersonal chemical, physical, and biological laws. A more productive, certainly more engaging view, is that we have the intelligence to grasp what is happening, the composure not to be intimidated by its complexity, and the courage to take steps that may bear no fruit in our lifetimes (Courage Quotes)
I many times encountered courage, real courage. Undeniable courage. I’ve heard it said that that was the highest quality of the human animal. I encountered that many times, in unexpected places. And I have learned to recognize it when I see it (Courage Quotes)
Courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair, to be brave or have a quality of mind or temperament that enables you to stand fast in the face of opposition, hardship or danger (Courage Quotes)
I’ve been so lonely trying to become a photographer. If I’d known that before, I don’t know if I had the courage to do it again. You get to a point where you feel that you have something that is your own. And if you don’t find an audience for it, you are going to burst (Courage Quotes)