Courage Quotes

Text Quotes
I have the responsibility of over four million people, and I am in a position to do good, to be able to bring about a new life for my people, and I will continue to move in that direction. It’s a burden, but it needs to be done, and you have to have the courage and wisdom to see it through (Courage Quotes)
Sailing a boat calls for quick action, a blending of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of the boat itself. Sailing teaches alertness and courage, and gives in return a joyousness and peace that but few sports afford (Courage Quotes)
There are always a few who stand up in times of communal madness and have the courage to say that what unites us is greater than what divides us (Courage Quotes)
September 11, 2001, revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage (Courage Quotes)
Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves. It has nothing to do with how many times you win or lose. It has no relation to where you finish in a race or whether you break world records. But it does have everything to do with having the vision to dream, the courage to recover from adversity and the determination never to be shifted from your goals (Courage Quotes)
And so, lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go, struggling and striving, and hoping that the buds and blossoms of our desires will burst into glorious fruition ere long. With courage, born of success achieved in the past, with a keen sense of the responsibility which we shall continue to assume, we look forward to a future large with promise and hope. Seeking no favors because of our color, nor patronage because of our needs, we knock at the bar of justice, asking an equal chance (Courage Quotes)
I think the moments that are difficult for anybody are when you see what your life could be, if only you had the courage to take the steps needed (Courage Quotes)
There is only one courage and that is the courage to go on dying to the past, not to collect it, not to accumulate it, not to cling to it. We all cling to the past and because we cling to the past we become unavailable to the present (Courage Quotes)
When you meditate you feel joy, harmony, peace, stillness, ecstasy, laughter, certainty, courage, strength, awareness and immortality. In the beginning you will feel these things vaguely, a distant knocking at your castle door (Courage Quotes)
I don’t know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today (Courage Quotes)
We should be respectful but we must also have the courage to stop harmful practices that impoverish girls, women and their communities (Courage Quotes)
If you had been poor in your last life I would have asked you to be rich when you come again. But you were rich. If you had been a coward, I would have asked you to bring courage. But you were a fearless warrior. If you had died young, I would have asked you to get life. But you lived long. So I shall ask you to come again the way you came before (Courage Quotes)
This is in the end the only kind of courage that is required of us: the courage to face the strangest, most unusual, most inexplicable experiences that can meet us (Courage Quotes)
Nothing is more fortifying than learning that you have a real reader, a reader who truly responds both accurately and actively. It gives you courage, and you feel, I can crawl out on the branch a little further. It’s going to hold (Courage Quotes)
Each time a woman has the courage to act and share her truth, she plants wonderful seeds. Each such seed offers freedom and power to those around her, and in this way we bring the world closer together and closer to peace (Courage Quotes)
What’s important is how we use our time on this earth, not how conspicuously we give our money away. What’s important is the energy and courage we are willing to expend reversing entropy, battling cynicism, suffering and challenging mediocre minds, staring down those who would trample our dreams, taking a stand for magic, and advancing the potential of the human race (Courage Quotes)
The most important experiences a man can have are those that take him to the very limit; that is the only way we learn, because it requires all our courage (Courage Quotes)
It takes courage to stay young, to make your enthusiasms work for you. Don’t let anyone drag you down (Courage Quotes)
My mother always taught us that if people don’t agree with you, the important thing is to listen to them. But if you’ve listened to them carefully and you still think that you’re right, then you must have the courage of your convictions (Courage Quotes)
Jesus who cannot suffer long to keep you in affliction will come to relieve and comfort you by infusing fresh courage into your soul (Courage Quotes)
Courage is not the absence of fear and pain, but the affirmation of life despite fear and pain (Courage Quotes)
True friends see who we really are, hear our words and the feelings behind them, hold us in the safe harbor of their embrace, and accept us as we are. Good friends mirror our best back to us, forgive us our worst, and believe we will evolve into wise, wacky, and wonderful old people. Dear friends give us their undivided attention, encourage us to laugh, and entice us into silliness. And we do the same for them. A true friend gives us the courage to be ourselves because he or she is with us always and in all ways. In the safety of such friendships, our hearts can fully open (Courage Quotes)
The fragrance of the heart is made up of the qualities and virtues of our spirit. Most of us have learned how to keep our heart closed in a world that would trample all over us if we let it. Being open hearted today seems to require tremendous courage (Courage Quotes)
Hatred and fear blind us. We no longer see each other. We see only the faces of monsters, and that gives us the courage to destroy each other (Courage Quotes)
Is it possible your pragmatical worship should not know that the comparisons made between wit and wit, courage and courage, beauty and beauty, birth and birth, are always odious and ill taken? (Courage Quotes)
The sweetest music is not in the oratorio, but in the human voice when it speaks from its instant life tones of tenderness, truth, or courage (Courage Quotes)
You can’t be consistently fair, consistently generous, consistently just, or consistently merciful. You can be anything erratically, but to be that thing time after time after time, you have to have courage (Courage Quotes)
I felt a comedy ego beginning to grow, which gave me the courage to begin tentatively looking into myself for material (Courage Quotes)
Anybody who perceives colors can become a painter. It’s simply a question of whether or not one has felt anything and whether one has the courage to recount the things one has felt (Courage Quotes)
It often requires more courage to read some books than it does to fight a battle (Courage Quotes)