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Court Quotes

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Home court will be tremendous. That will be a big relief, playing at home in front of the energy and the fans  (Court Quotes) Sometimes we get very frustrated here on court. It is tough to control. It is a mistake  (Court Quotes) A smile couldn’t be brought into court as evidence. You couldn’t arrest a man because he had trembled. Brown eyes had stolen a peep at gray eyes, so what? The tone of a voice was something that died with a word  (Court Quotes) A golf course is for golf. A tennis court is for tennis. A prison camp is for escaping  (Court Quotes) Don’t always try to be popular. It isn’t possible for everyone to like you. It’s far more important for you to like yourself. And when you respect yourself, strangely, you get more respect than when you court it from others  (Court Quotes) Bread is the king of the table and all else is merely the court that surrounds the king. The countries are the soup, the meat, the vegetables, the salad, but bread is king  (Court Quotes) The scoreboard said I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn’t say is what it is I have found. Over the last 21 years, I have found loyalty. You have pulled for me on the court and also in life. I found inspiration. You have willed me to succeed, sometimes even in my lowest moments, and I’ve found generosity. You have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams, dreams I could never have reached without you  (Court Quotes) Growing up I wasn’t the richest, but I had a rich family in spirit. Standing here with 19 championships is something I never thought would happen. I went on a court just with a ball and a racket and with a hope  (Court Quotes) What is happening is not ideal. Sometimes nothing goes smoothly in the preparation for fights, and that is when you have to show what kind of champion you are and deal with whatever is put in front of you. This is just another obstacle, and if it does go to court then I will be as equally determined to overcome it  (Court Quotes) So many able writers have shown that the unjust institutions which work so much misery and suffering to the masses have their root in governments, and owe their whole existence to the power derived from government we cannot help but believe that were every law, every title deed, every court, and every police officer or soldier abolished tomorrow with one sweep, we would be better off than now  (Court Quotes) Our court dockets are so crowded today it would be better to refer to it as the overdue process of law  (Court Quotes) I’m no shrinking violet. I played hockey until half my teeth were knocked down my throat. And I’m extremely competitive on a tennis court... But that experience at the slaughterhouse overwhelmed me. When I walked out of there, I knew I would never again harm an animal! I knew all the physiological, economic, and ecological arguments supporting vegetarianism, but it was firsthand experience of man’s cruelty to animals that laid the real groundwork for my commitment to vegetarianism  (Court Quotes) Sports provide girls with the opportunity to develop a better relationship with their bodies. They can be aggressive on the court, be strong and still be feminine  (Court Quotes) I’m a real paradox. Because I’m a very serious person, and I take my work very seriously. But I wrap it up in a court jester and a clown and make people laugh and make them feel good about themselves  (Court Quotes) When I’m on the court, I try to play with all my emotion and heart  (Court Quotes) People are moved by my story, but they’re only moved by my story because of what I do on the court  (Court Quotes) How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?  (Court Quotes) I’m reasonably good at talking onstage, but actually holding court in a pub is all to do with power dynamics which I don’t think has anything to do with fiction  (Court Quotes) Man is unique in creation because he has a sense of justice and truth. We spend billions of dollars each year to set up court systems to see that justice is done, and we build prisons for those who transgress the laws we enact  (Court Quotes) Plenty of bad movies are very successful, and plenty of good movies are not. And distribution is so crazy, some films won’t even get their day in court  (Court Quotes) The civil liberties types who are fighting this issue have to fight it, owing to the nature of the laws, as a matter of freedom of speech and stifling of free expression and so on. But we know what’s really involved, dirty books are fun. That’s all there is to it. But you can’t get up in a court and say that  (Court Quotes) I work extremely hard in the weight room, and also on the court to get better and make sure I keep my body in shape  (Court Quotes) Satire must always accompany any free society. It is an absolute necessity. Even in the most repressive medieval kingdoms, they understood the need for the court jester, the one soul allowed to tell the truth through laughter. It is, in many ways, the most powerful form of free speech because it is aimed at those in power, or those whose ideas would spread hate. It is the canary in the coalmine, a cultural thermometer, and it always has to push, push, push the boundaries of society to see how much it’s grown  (Court Quotes) Politics is its own world. It is a court and if the king’s eye lights on you, you are a powerful figure. If the king’s eye wanders elsewhere, you are out, whatever your title  (Court Quotes) I think that’s my personality, to have a good laugh and not to take myself too seriously. And of course I have my things on the court but when I’m off the court I just like to have fun  (Court Quotes) Whatever I lack in size and strength and speed, I kind of make up for in being grittier. When it comes to something like basketball I’m definitely not the best guy on the court, but I love elbowing and pushing people out or boxing them out  (Court Quotes) Practice like it’s competition and compete like it’s another day on the practice court  (Court Quotes) Man, people have been waiting for me to fall off my whole career. From the first time I stepped on the court. It probably made people sick to their stomachs watching my whole career, watching the things that I’ve done in my career  (Court Quotes) I’d rather support the issues I truly believe in than give my vote to parties that court votes at the time of the election. I like to think that my vote strengthens the green foundation stone  (Court Quotes) I look forward to continuing to be a role model to women across the country and helping them have confidence in all they do in the ring, on the court or in the game of life!  (Court Quotes)
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