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Court Quotes

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This great oracle of the East India Company himself admits that, if there is no power vested in the Court of Directors but that of the patronage, there is really no government vested in them at all  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court is having a hard time integrating schools. What chance do I have to integrate audiences?  (Court Quotes) You don’t want to be down 2 - 0 in a series. It’s always important to try and get one on the opponent’s home court. It makes your job at home easier  (Court Quotes) I would not tolerate profanity from anyone, anytime. I’d blow the whistle, pull you from the court and put you on the bench and talk to you before I would put you back in  (Court Quotes) I have two lives, and all the problems I might have, I feel like I drop them once I step on to the match court  (Court Quotes) We have to respect that any nominee to the Supreme Court would have to defer any comments on any matters, which are either before the court or very likely to be before the court  (Court Quotes) I consider it an indubitable mark of mean-spiritedness and pitiful vanity to court applause from the pen or tongue of man  (Court Quotes) On the court, I’m not afraid of anything. I try to have confidence and have a belief in myself  (Court Quotes) I’ve been captivated by the idea of being on a basketball court and being surrounded by people who made me look a little bit less like a freak  (Court Quotes) There are some that are - REM Behavior Disorder, we’ll see some court documented cases. And they really need to have a thorough evaluation with a sleep specialist  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as a human being. It’s absurd. You can’t do that  (Court Quotes) I wonder if there’s just a sense that we have nothing to learn from any Supreme Court justice, including the great Chief Justice John Marshall  (Court Quotes) On a court full of great writers, I shouldn’t say full of - there have been some bad writers on the court over the years. We’ve just lost a great writer in Antonin Scalia  (Court Quotes) We don’t want to disqualify individuals who are selected partly because they bring that diverse experience to the court in cases where that experience is most likely to make a difference  (Court Quotes) Players must be able to carry out simple instructions from the bench to the court. If they can’t, then they can’t pla  (Court Quotes) One is entitled to say without qualification that the correlation between prior judicial experience and fitness for the Supreme Court is zero  (Court Quotes) I think I’ve been lucky, being my frequent appearances on Court TV have brought to me another level than just the actor guy  (Court Quotes) I think the Supreme Court does have the authority, which is not used, to declare a blanket right for all people, all adults  (Court Quotes) No case of libel by a negro against a white would even reach a southern court  (Court Quotes) I will now court her in the conqueror’s style; come, see, and overcome  (Court Quotes) It only takes one lie to taint your entire testimony in a court of law. Honesty is a vital part of having a good reputation  (Court Quotes) The police are on the way to arrest you for stealing my heart, hijacking my feelings, and driving me crazy. See you in court!  (Court Quotes) It could well be the end of justice in America. Do not let Mr. Reagan get his hands on that court  (Court Quotes) The recommendation by the Arkansas Supreme Court Disciplinary Committee that President Clinton be disbarred is like a tender green shoot of integrity rising from the stinking junkyard of American public life. At last, some official body has come to a decision about Clinton’s conduct that is untainted by politics, cowardice or cynicism  (Court Quotes) When Enron collapsed, through court processes, thousands and thousands of emails came out that were internal, and it provided a window into how the whole company was managed. It was all the little decisions that supported the flagrant violations  (Court Quotes) I usually just speak in English when I’m on the basketball court. For some reason, my mind never even tried to cross any other language when I’m playing basketball  (Court Quotes) I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court  (Court Quotes) I do love the idea of being able to take an MP to court for lying. There are ways and means of taking an MP to court just now, but it is very difficult  (Court Quotes) It [boxing] helps my hand-eye coordination, my stamina, my footwork, and it gives me that competitive edge and drive. And in the ring it’s mano-a-mano. So it helps you build that arrogance, that cockiness, that confidence in yourself that the man that stands in front of you isn’t going to beat you, and that translates to the court  (Court Quotes) A lot of people think that fame is the Band-Aid that cures their ills. I’m no kid, and I knew long before I got famous that wasn’t the deal. I’m the court jester, not the queen  (Court Quotes)
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