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Court Quotes

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The future is built on brains, not prom court, as most people can tell you after attending their high school reunion. But you’d never know it by talking to kids or listening to the messages they get from the culture and even from their schools.  (Court Quotes) I think the International Criminal Court could be a threat to American security interests, because the prosecutor of the court has enormous discretion in going after war crimes.  (Court Quotes) All we can do is keep going up against then as long as Ray is alive because when he dies it will not be possible to establish the truth of his innocence in a court of law.  (Court Quotes) Woe to him, . . . who has no court of appeal against the world’s judgment  (Court Quotes) I find it a great and fatal difference whether I court the Muse, or the Muse courts me. That is the ugly disparity between age and youth.  (Court Quotes) In traditional ‘Swan Lakes,’ it’s Prince Siegfried’s 21st-birthday celebration, his coming-of-age. The entire court, from his mother the Queen on down, is on hand.  (Court Quotes) I was just a ham since about the age of five. If I was performing at Medieval Times or something, I’d be the court jester. That was always my defense mechanism. I was never all that funny; I was just obnoxious and loud.  (Court Quotes) Writers should be able to fully deduct from their taxes all writing-related expenses, including alcohol, parking tickets, court judgments, fines for lewd public behavior, Zoloft, and cigarettes.  (Court Quotes) I am not the most courageous guy in the world outside of the court. Being alone in the dark is something I don’t like.  (Court Quotes) My mom always said fighting with me as a kid was like going to court. I’m trying to realize that being right is not the most important thing.  (Court Quotes) Roosevelt got a chance to name an amazing nine justices of the Supreme Court. He was not namby-pamby on this question. He wanted people who shared his views, he wanted liberals, and he wanted lots of them.  (Court Quotes) In hindsight, Watergate was a curse as well as a blessing for American journalism. The courageous reporting of the ‘Post’ and the ‘New York Times’ - coupled with the favourable Supreme Court rulings on publication of the Pentagon Papers - were landmarks for the interpretation of First Amendment rights and the freedom of the press.  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court has never ruled that the children of illegal aliens are American citizens  (Court Quotes) When a nominee for the Supreme Court, one of only nine lifetime appointments, makes an overtly brazen racist comment about tens of millions of American citizens, we don’t need lectures. What we need to do is to confront her with what she said and what it says about her.  (Court Quotes) Some may remember, if you have good memories, that there used to be a concept in Anglo-American law called a presumption of innocence, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Now that’s so deep in history that there’s no point even bringing it up, but it did once exist.  (Court Quotes) I think I’ve been lucky, being my frequent appearances on Court TV have brought to me another level than just the actor guy.  (Court Quotes) You cannot cause disproportionate damage to the environment; you cannot harm neutral states. The court said that the threat or use of nuclear weapons is generally contrary to the international law of armed conflict.  (Court Quotes) When states like Alabama and Arizona passed some of the harshest immigration laws in history, my Attorney General took them on in court and we won.  (Court Quotes) Even the Supreme Court, back when it used to makes sense, the Supreme Court has never ruled that a baby born to illegal aliens in the US is automatically a citizen.  (Court Quotes) I just had a baby girl. My daughter weighed 27 pounds. She was 3 years old. She was delivered to me by way of the court system and a blood test.  (Court Quotes) Criminal court is where bad people are on their best behavior. It’s much more dangerous for lawyers and judges in family court, where good people are at their worst.  (Court Quotes) Got good news and bad news for you, Mr. President. The good news is that Chief Justice John Roberts just saved your legacy and, perhaps, your presidency by writing for the Supreme Court majority to rule health care reform constitutional.  (Court Quotes) Plenty of bad movies are very successful, and plenty of good movies are not. And distribution is so crazy, some films won’t even get their day in court.  (Court Quotes) I know actors who court personal publicity because they believe no publicity is bad publicity  (Court Quotes) Corporations are like countries now, there’s a king, there are serfs, there’s a court, basically everything but moats. They’re feudal societies, and there are good ones and bad ones.  (Court Quotes) My uncle’s a lawyer and I remember going to see him in court and thinking, ‘That’s cool, too bad I could never be a lawyer.’  (Court Quotes) It’s important for the young players to practice other ball games as well, basketball or table tennis. On the tennis court, you can improve your eye through a kind of overexertion.  (Court Quotes) In hard times nothing is visible life seems to beat you down, with courage hit the problems ball will be in your court.  (Court Quotes) With a versatile player, there’s no spot on the court you can’t pass him the ball. You can do anything.  (Court Quotes) I have to tell you, I’m proudest of my life off the court. There will always be great basketball players who bounce that little round ball, but my proudest moments are affecting people’s lives, effecting change, being a role model in the community.  (Court Quotes)
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