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Court Quotes

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The federal judiciary is unlike the other branches of government. And once confirmed, a federal judge serves for life. And there’s no court above the Supreme Court.  (Court Quotes) Supreme Court nominees should be individuals who not only understand, but truly respect the equal roles and responsibilities of different branches of government and our state governments.  (Court Quotes) Whether in print or other media, a good biography is more than a court record or a stringing together of already familiar sources. It breathes life into the subject.  (Court Quotes) But every fool describes, in these bright days, His wondrous journey to some foreign court, And spawns his quarto, and demands your praise,-- Death to his publisher, to him ‘tis sport.  (Court Quotes) One of the things that I’m so proud of [about] that movie [Brokeback Mountain], was to see, within the past basically 10 years, how much has changed. When the Supreme Court [issued a ruling] just a little while ago, I felt like we had been part, a little part and parcel of that movement.  (Court Quotes) A smile couldn’t be brought into court as evidence. You couldn’t arrest a man because he had trembled. Brown eyes had stolen a peep at gray eyes, so what? The tone of a voice was something that died with a word.  (Court Quotes) Day by day, case by case, the Supreme Court is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize.  (Court Quotes) We are very frustrated because we have a Supreme Court that seems determined to say that the wealthier have more right to free speech than the rest of us. For example, they say you couldn’t stop me from spending all the money I’ve saved over the last five years on Hillary’s campaign if I wanted to, even though it would clearly violate the spirit of campaign finance reform.  (Court Quotes) My mother died when I was 12, and right after, my dad died in a car crash. I was 15 and had no family. The court sent me to live with my uncle and aunt in Missouri.  (Court Quotes) Republicans would have preferred the court overturn the health care bill, an act that would have underscored Obama’s biggest liability - the perception among voters, including those who like and trust him, that he has been ineffective.  (Court Quotes) Perhaps the most striking assault on the foundations of traditional liberties is a little-known case brought to the Supreme Court by the Obama administration, Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project.  (Court Quotes) For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground, and tell sad stories of the death of kings... All murdered; for within the hollow crown that rounds the mortal temples of a king, keeps Death his court... and with a little pin bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!  (Court Quotes) Make sure you live life, which means don’t do things where you court celebrity, and give something positive back to our society.  (Court Quotes) Big actions, in our system of checks and balances, require approval by Congress and have to pass constitutional muster by the Supreme Court, and some powers are reserved to the states. So this overused czar word is a little misleading. But the things America ought to do should include the following:  (Court Quotes) I wonder if there’s just a sense that we have nothing to learn from any Supreme Court justice, including the great Chief Justice John Marshall.  (Court Quotes) I asked Chief Justice John Roberts about this definition of life - you know, what is life? The Supreme Court can’t figure it out or doesn’t want us to figure it out; the fact that we know that there is no life if there’s no heartbeat and brainwaves.  (Court Quotes) To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want ‘em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot ‘em.  (Court Quotes) There are thousands of other women to choose from. You understand me? And this court runs on ambition alone.  (Court Quotes) Ultimately, the court is heading to a doctrine of ‘separation of campaign and state.’ This doctrine, like separation of church and state or separation of military and civilian authority, is not explicit in the Constitution but flows naturally from its structure and commitment to freedom and democracy.  (Court Quotes) Decide the friends, mentors and leaders you want in your life, in your inner circle, and court them with emotional generosity. Make it matter.  (Court Quotes) A circus! 100 clowns of injustice have climbed out of the tiny clown car of this court room.  (Court Quotes) Citizens United fought to defend our right to free speech - and won a great victory in the United States Supreme Court.  (Court Quotes) I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United and get dark, unaccountable money out of our politics.  (Court Quotes) What did Isabelle want? Jace asked. Alec hesitated. Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with us. Sure, said Magnus. And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour.  (Court Quotes) I was a cub reporter on a local newspaper in Limerick city, and I used to cover the district court meetings. All of life passed through the Limerick courthouse. Misery, malevolence, the dark side of humanity... I tell ya, it made ‘Angela’s Ashes’ look like ‘The Wonderful World of Disney.’  (Court Quotes) I was a chief justice. And before that, I was a district court judge, handled major felonies, including capital murder cases; and I handled major civil litigation.  (Court Quotes) Our mandate is to be a nation of laws. And the Supreme Court is the place where we look to safeguard our civil rights and our individual liberties.  (Court Quotes) I don’t advocate civil disobedience. I do advocate the role of an informed citizen to try to overturn when a court makes a mistake and gets an issue wrong.  (Court Quotes) At least in Russia, you cannot just go and tap into someone’s phone conversation without a warrant issued by court. That’s more or less the way a civilized society should go about fighting terrorism.  (Court Quotes) If it’s a close election, then it’s better for the Supreme Court to pick the president, whether or not he won the election. It’s just insane on its face.  (Court Quotes)
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