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Court Quotes

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Anything can happen out there on any court  (Court Quotes) I love to be busy, and when I’m off the court, I do things I love  (Court Quotes) The fact is, we are a nine-member court that sits on cases  (Court Quotes) If I settle a case out of court, it’s because I love the person  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court has made its decision, now let them enforce it  (Court Quotes) So I don’t blame Boies for the decision of the Court at all  (Court Quotes) My father was a small claims court jester  (Court Quotes) An unemployed court jester is nobody’s fool  (Court Quotes) I’m always on the court with my dad  (Court Quotes) The one place that David is equal to Goliath is in the Supreme Court  (Court Quotes) Court each other forever  (Court Quotes) I leave my heart on the court every night. I earn my keep.  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court kept me from my freedom  (Court Quotes) They’ve come to overthrow the court, sir!  (Court Quotes) I don’t play full court anymore. I just play half-court.  (Court Quotes) He is never out of the fashion, or limpeth awkwardly behind it. He is not required to put on court mourning. He weareth all colors, fearing none. His costume hath undergone less change than the Quaker's. He is the only man in the universe who is not obliged to study appearances  (Court Quotes) So we see that God has made provision for our holiness. Through Christ He has delivered us from sin's reign so that we now can resist sin. But the responsibility for resisting is ours. God does not do that for us. To confuse the potential for resisting (which God provided) with the responsibility for resisting (which is ours) is to court disaster in our pursuit of holiness  (Court Quotes) Rouze up, o young men of the new age! Set your foreheads against the ignorant hirelings! For we have hirelings in the camp, the court and the university, who would, if they could, for ever depress mental and prolong corporeal war  (Court Quotes) The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, DC. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin  (Court Quotes) When you come in to court as a plaintiff or as a defendant, it is terribly important that you look up at the bench and feel that that person represents you and will understand you, that that person is reflective of our community and of our society  (Court Quotes) I have a clear record, both publicly and privately, of saying Alito and Roberts are what we want on the Supreme Court  (Court Quotes) Don't judge me. You wanna judge me, put on a black gown and get a gavel. Get in line with the rest of them that's about to judge me. I got court dates every other month. It's me against the world - that's how I feel  (Court Quotes) Standing in the line at the food court, I try to be myself. But I forget how I usually stand when I'm myself  (Court Quotes) Was anyone hurt? No one I am thankful to say, said Mrs. Beaver, except two housemaids who lost their heads and jumped through a glass roof into the paved court  (Court Quotes) Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, and men below, and saints above: For love is heaven, and heaven is love  (Court Quotes) Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, and men below, and the saints above, for love is heaven, and heaven is love  (Court Quotes) In the doleful court behind my building a patchwork of windows was all that separated me from a hundred muted lives being led without mystery or menace or magic  (Court Quotes) Fire is a fragile lover, court her well, neglect her not; her faith is like a misty smoke, her anger is destructive hot  (Court Quotes) With my own memoirs, they are truthful, and I write everything fully expecting to some day end up televised on Court TV, and I'm fully prepared to be challenged legally on it  (Court Quotes) I had my moments for sure but I wasn't confrontational. and sometimes you get on the court and you'd find yourself very confrontational. It was all a discovery  (Court Quotes)
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