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Crackers Quotes

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This place is like crazy on crackers  (Crackers Quotes) Is a vegetarian permitted to eat animal crackers?  (Crackers Quotes) Do vegetarians eat animal crackers  (Crackers Quotes) Crackers are short on sparkle  (Crackers Quotes) The inventor of soda crackers has a place in hell  (Crackers Quotes) There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes  (Crackers Quotes) Animal crackers, and cocoa to drink That is the finest of suppers, I think When I’m grown up and can have what I please, I think I shall always insist upon these.  (Crackers Quotes) My mother wanted me to go to church to meet women. That’s wrong, ain’t it? ‘Praise the Lord! Hey, how ya doing? Nice dress. Look, I’m going to go over there and get some of this wine and crackers, want some?’  (Crackers Quotes) I figure it’s a European thing to eat cheese and crackers before a meal - that’s my afternoon snack, or I do it before dinner.  (Crackers Quotes) I bought a box of animal crackers, but there was nothing inside. They’d eaten each other.  (Crackers Quotes) If I’m making a movie and get hungry, I call time-out and eat some crackers  (Crackers Quotes) I always have apples and fruit in the house. It’s easier to eat something healthy if it’s within reach. I also have yogurt, cheese and crackers, and raw almonds.  (Crackers Quotes) The transfats found in margarine, packaged cookies, crackers and pasta increase fat in your midsection, and can actually redistribute fat from other parts of the body to the belly.  (Crackers Quotes) Most Religions are Social Clubs with expensive Entertainment Cheap Wine and Stale Crackers  (Crackers Quotes) Our traditions have been waking up on Christmas morning and feasting on a southern breakfast. I’m from the South. We eat grits and biscuits and gravy and eggs with Ritz crackers and country ham, bacon, you name it.  (Crackers Quotes) The safe and cultural method of eating crackers in bed is to wear a diver’s suit instead of pajamas.  (Crackers Quotes) The sweetest thing we ever had was, like, animal crackers in the pantry. I think my parents sort of passively made sure that we didn’t have a lot of junk food at our disposal, and I think that helped me and all my siblings growing up with how to approach nutrition and eating right.  (Crackers Quotes) I bought a box of animal crackers, but there was nothing inside. They’d eaten each other  (Crackers Quotes) Calmness of will is a sign of grandeur. The vulgar, far from hiding their will, blab their wishes. A single spark of occasion discharges the child of passions into a thousand crackers of desire  (Crackers Quotes) One almost expects one of the players to peer into the monitor and politely request viewers to refrain from munching so loudly on cheese and crackers while the golfers are trying to reach the greens  (Crackers Quotes) Now it is time to stand up and fight back. … there are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes  (Crackers Quotes) Is it my imagination, or does shipping and handling settle a box of crackers more than it used to?  (Crackers Quotes) A single spark of occasion discharges the child of passions into a thousand crackers of desire  (Crackers Quotes) People think you must be crackers if you’ve got a psychologist but psychology is part of the building bricks to make a top athlete  (Crackers Quotes) The safe and cultural method of eating crackers in bed is to wear a diver’s suit instead of pajamas  (Crackers Quotes) At root fame is a sham. I’m not going to live forever and if I am I certainly need don’t you to tell me that so that I will buy a car or a box of dried up crackers  (Crackers Quotes) I know people that could serve me canned tuna and saltine crackers and have me feel more at home at their table than some people who can cook circles around me. The more you try to impress people, generally the less you do  (Crackers Quotes) I am a gluttonous, gorging failure. A waste. My body isn't used to high sugar carbs laced with witchcraft. It can barely cope with soup and crackers  (Crackers Quotes)